Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Recruitment of Trade Apprentices 2014

bmrcl recruitmentBangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited
BMTC Complex, 3rd Floor, K.H.Road
Shanthinagar, Bangalore -560027
Phone: +91-(0)80-22969300/22969301

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) is a Joint Venture of the Government of Karnataka and Government of India established for the implementation of the Bangalore Metro Rail Project in the city of Bangalore, Karnataka. The Company invites applications from candidates who have passed ITI from recognized ITI Institutions located in the State of Karnataka (both Private and Government).

Sl. No. Trade Number Of Trainees Minimum Qualification
1 Fitter 12 Passed ITI in the trade of Fitter
2 Mech.R&AC 05 Passed ITI in the trade of Mech. R & AC
3 Electrician 08 Passed ITI in the trade of Electrician
4 Electronics Mech. 08 Passed ITI in the trade of Electronics Mech.

Training is for the period of one year.

Age Limit: Candidate should not be less than 20 years or more than 21 years of age on 01-10­2014. The upper age limit can be relaxed by 5 years for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, and 3 years for candidates belonging to Backward Classes. Such candidate will have to produce satisfactory evidence of his caste / age.

Reservation of seats: As per Govt. rules. Check attached notification for full details.

Stipend: The apprentices will be paid the consolidated stipend of Rs 2800 per month.

Selection Criteria:
i) Candidates must apply in the prescribed form only to the Principal, Bangalore Metro Rail Training Institute , S.V.Road Basiyappanhalli Depot, Bangalore 560038 .
ii)  Applications received after the stipulated date of submission and/or incomplete applications will be rejected. BMRCL is not responsible for postal delay/loss at any stage of communication.
iii)   If the candidate has registered his name with the Employment Exchange proof of the same must be submitted along with the application form.
iv)   As limited vacancies are available, eligible candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of merit in the academic examination (preference will be given to the candidates who have passed the I.T.I.(N.C.V.T) examination in the first attempt).
v)     No individual correspondence will be made with the applicant in this regard.
vi) The provisional selection shall be made from amongst the candidates on the basis of nos. of seats, merit, reservation, verification of document etc.

The candidates shall submit their application in the prescribed proforma only. The candidate in his/her own handwriting shall fill applications in English. Filled in application forms should reach the

Bangalore Metro Rail Training institute
S.V.Road Baiyappanhalli Depot
Old Madras Road, Bangalore 560038

on or before 15-2-2014

Download the notification for full details:
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