RRII Rubber Board recruitment of Trainees
(Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)
KOTTAYAM 686 009
Email: rrii@vsnl.com; rrii@rubberboard.org.in
Website: http://www.rubberboard.org.in
Ref. No.2/109/TR/RRII-NBSS & LUP/2012/Res dated 09/10/2012
Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam-9 proposes to engage Trainees for field work for a collaborative project of RRII & National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ICAR) on “Soil nutrient mapping of rubber growing soils of Kerala, Tamilnadu & Karnataka” by selection of suitable candidates through walk-in-interview. The details are furnished hereunder:
1. Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in any Science subject
2. Maximum age limit : Not more than 30 years as on 01/10/2012
3. No. of vacancies : 12 (Twelve)
4. Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of Rs.8,000/- per month (all inclusive).
5. Candidates once engaged as Trainee under RRII will not be considered.
6. The engagement is purely temporary on contract basis for a period of six months.
7. The work involves extensive travelling through out the state of Kerala for the purpose of soil sample collection. TA/DA will be provided for the tour undertaken
as per rule.
Candidates with the above qualifications may appear before the Director (Research), Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam – 9, for walk-in- interview to be conducted at 10.00 AM on 25/10/2012 along with original certificates in support of age, qualifications & experience, if any.
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
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