Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), AP hiring Consultants/Coordinators
Rc. No.264 RVM(SSA)/B1/2010 Dated: 06-12-2010
Walk-in interview for CONSULTANTS / COORDINATORS on 18-12-2010 from 11.00 am onwards at State Project Office, SCERT Campus, Opp: L.B.Stadium, Hyderabad-1. (Phone: 040-23243525, e-mail: apssahyd@yahoo.co.in)
Eligible candidates may attend with original certificates, a set of attested xerox copies and 2 passport size photographs. E-mail resume by 16-12-2010.
For further details visit office website: ssa.ap.nic.in
V. Nageswara Rao
for State Project Director
Complete Advertisement in Doc format:
[gview file=”http://ssa.ap.nic.in/264_Requirement%20of%20additional%20posts.doc”]
Please tell me qualification for the consaltant &Co-ordinators jobs.
Download the document. Link is at the bottom of file viewer.
~TheJob Team~
iam mca student in which job iam eligible
please tell me cosultant and coordinators jobs qualification
please send me qualification
when release the results