RailTel Corporation recruitment of Project Engineers in NE Region

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd. Requirement of Project Engineers on Contract Basis for NE Region
Advertisement no. RCIL/2007/P&A/44/3

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, a Mini Ratna PSU of the Ministry of Railways, invites applications for appointment on contract basis for a period of three years for its North-east region Telecom/OFC projects covering six states of the region, viz., Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland. The posts are specifically for these projects and are not transferable outside the project:-

Name and Number of posts: Project Engineer (20 posts)

Qualification: BE/B.Tech in Electronics/ Communication/ Electrical/ Computer Science/ Information Technology or MCA or equivalent

Experience: At least 02 year of managerial/supervisory experience in the field of execution of Telecom infrastructure projects and/or operation & maintenance of Telecom network. Preference will be given to candidates having minimum 01 year of experience in RailTel.

Medical Standards: Selected candidates will be required to pass the requisite medical fitness standards, as adopted by RailTel, before their appointment.

Period of contract: The contract will be initially for a period of three years, extendable further till completion of the project, depending on the job requirement and performance of the employee.

Remuneration: Gross all inclusive pay of Rs.30,000/- per month. The deduction on account EPF under EPF and MP Act, 1952, will, however, be made on the specified minimum wages of the concerned state under Minimum Wages Act of the concerned state .

Selection procedure: The selection will be made through written test and /or interview of short-listed candidates, which is likely to be held at Kolkta. However, the place of written test/ interview may be changed by the RailTel.

How to apply:
i. Eligible interested candidates should prefer application typed on A-4 size paper in the proforma given below as Annexure-I, addressing the same to the Executive Director, RailTel Corporation of India Limited, Eastern Region, Chatterjee International Centre, 3rd Floor, 33A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata- 700071. The application, complete in all respects, should reach the above address by unregistered post on or before 27th July, 2012 (within the working hours). The application should be accompanied with the self attested photocopies of the following documents:-
a)       Matriculation Certificate (for age proof),
b)       Certificates in support of the required professional Degree/Diploma,
c)        Certificates in support of other professional qualifications, if any,
d)       Certificates in proof of experience, clearly indicating the length and line of experience,
e)       Caste/Religion certificate (In case of applicant belonging to SC/ ST/ OBC/ OBC(minority) community) and
f)        Copy of the appointment letter in support of appointment in the present post and organization,
g)   I.D. proof and address proof. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed – “Application for the post of Project Engineer for the NE-I and NE-II projects.

ii. The candidates working in the Govt. Departments / PSUs are required to forward their application as per above through their parent departments along with department’s certification regarding a) DAR/Vigilance clearance and b) Service rendered under the department. They should note that these are short duration contract posts and even for these posts they will be required to produce NOC at the time of interview and resign and get duly relieved from their parent organization before taking up the appointment in RailTel.

Sr. Manager (P&A)

Download the Notification and Application HERE:
[gview file=”http://www.railtelindia.com/editor/fileUpload/Detailed%20vacancy%20notice%20-%20NE%20revised.pdf” save=”1″]

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