Prohibition and Excise Constable Recruitment – 2012

Notification No:10414/2007/RECT/CPE/H3                                                                                                Dated: 08-10-2012
General Recruitment in Prohibition & Excise Department for the post of Prohibition and Excise Constable -2012

1 Introduction:
1.1.1 Government of Andhra Pradesh have accorded permission to fill up 2606 posts of Prohibition & Excise Constables through District Selection Committees, vide G.O.Ms.No.1217, Revenue (Excise- I) Department, Dated:30-11-2009 and G.O. MS. No. 395 Revenue (Ex-I) Department, dt: 19.6.2012. 1.2 The district wise vacancy position as on 1-7-2012 is as follows.

Excise Constables

*The above vacancy position is subject to change without any prior intimation, depending on the exigencies and adjustment of APSP Constables allotted to districts as per presidential order. Further 265 vacancies will be kept vacant and shall not be filled up, as per the orders of Hon’ble High Court of A.P. , subject to the outcome of the W.Ps. pending in this regard.

1.3 The scale of pay : Rs 7960 – Rs 23650/­-
1.3.1 The application fee is Rs.300/- for all categories and for SC/ST category it is Rs. 150/-. The applicant has to follow the general instructions for payment of fee and fill up the application through online. SCs/STs belonging to other states are not entitled for fee concession.

2 Qualifications:

2.1 Educational Qualifications: S.S.C or its equivalent examination passed as on 1-07-2012. As per G.O. Ms.No. 282 GAD, Dt 20-09-2003, in the case of candidates who possess higher qualification, without the prescribed qualification of SSC will also be considered along with the candidates who have prescribed qualification.

2.2 Physical Requirement:
For Men: (i) Height shall not be less than 165 cm.
(ii) Chest shall not be less than 81 cm, round the chest on full expiration, with a Minimum expansion of 5 cm

In the case of candidates belonging to S.T Category, where the required quota cannot be fully utilized for want of sufficient candidates possessing the requisite height, a height relaxation up to 5 cm, may be given for such candidates; subject to the condition that height shall not be less than 160 cm.

For Women:
(i)     Height shall not be less than 152.5 cm
(ii)  Weight shall not be less than 45.5kg

2.3 Visual Standards:
(i)    Right Eye : Near vision 0.5 (Snellen) Distant 6/6
(ii)  Left Eye : Near vision 0.5 (Snellen) Distant 6/6

Candidates with Color blindness, squint or any bordlid condition of the eyes of lids of either eye, knock-knees, pigeon chest, flat foot, varicose veins, hammertoes, fractured limbs or decayed teeth are not eligible.

2.4 Age: Applicants shall have a minimum age of (18) years and shall not be more than a maximum age of (30) years as on 1.7.2012 (Refer G.O.Ms.No.74, G.A. (Ser.A) Department, Dated: 13-02-08)

2.5 Relaxation in age:

2.5.1         Five years of age relaxation on the maximum age of (30 years) is allowed for the candidates belonging to the categories of S.C., S.T. & B.C. (Refer Rule 12 (1) (b) of A.P. State and sub­ordinate services rules, 1996)
2.5.2        There shall be age relaxation for the Ex-servicemen. The maximum age relaxation given to the Ex-servicemen shall be total number of years of service rendered therein plus three years, subject to the condition that the maximum age of such candidates shall not exceed 39 years as on 01-07-2012.
2.5.3         As per the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 604/2000 and 915/2000 dated 23.04.2003, and as per the consequential G.O. Ms. No. 1217 Rev (Ex-I) dated 30-11-2009 all candidates who appeared for interview during 1994, herein after referred to as 1994 candidates, may also apply for the recruitment in relaxation of the upper age limit. But they shall satisfy other eligibility conditions and requirements, including qualification and will have to undergo the entire process of the recruitment , with the same level of physical Qualifying / Efficiency tests and written tests.

In order to ensure that the age relaxation , as mentioned above is extended to the intended candidates only, such applicants shall produce evidence of having appeared for the interview during 1994 recruitment i.e. either 1. Hall Ticket OR 2. Interview call letter

Important Dates:
Application Start Date: 15/10/2012
Application Last Date: 05/11/2012
Payments Last Date: 05/11/2012

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