IFCI Limited Recruitment of Asst. Managers / Managers 2014
IFCI Limited
Regd. Office: IFCI Tower
61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Website: www.ifciltd.com
In continuation with the advertisement published on October 23, 2013 inviting applications for the positions of ASSISTANT MANAGER (fresh/experienced candidates up to 5 years of experience) and MANAGER (minimum 5 years of experience) in Legal, Credit, Risk Mgmt, IT, MIS, HR, CS, Electrical Engineering and Security, this is to inform that the application process has been reopened for all the category of candidates to comply with the Reservation Policy of Government of India as applicable to SC/ST/OBCs in recruitments. The candidates who have already applied need not apply. Last date for receiving online applications is January 15,2014 (5:00 p.m.).
The eligibility criteria (age, qualifications and experience) and other details are available on our website http://ifciltd.com/Careers/CurrentOpeninqs.aspx
The following reservation percentages would be observed for filling up of the vacancies: SC-15%, ST-7.5%, OBCs-27%. Age relaxation for reserved category of employees is also specified in the eligibility criteria.
How to apply: The candidates may login to the website mentioned above and click on the link “Online Application“. Please ensure that all fields in the online application form are duly filled.
Note: The candidates are advised to go through the details on the above website link for ensuring meeting of eligibility criteria before applying. Only Shortlisted candidates would be called for interview.
Apply online at:
Job Description & Information:
[gview file=”http://ifciltd.com/images/Job-Description-CS-Final-Online.pdf” save=”1″]
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