Govt. of AP recruitment of Agricultural Officers (Back Log Posts)

NOTIFICATION No. A7 (1) 2/2013, DATED: 03.06.2013.

Applications are invited for appointments to the(101) posts of “Agricultural Officers” on regular basis under limited recruitment (back log posts) for S.C, S.T, B.Cs P.H, and Women categories in the Department of Agriculture in all the (6) Zones in the State. These posts shall carry the time Scale of Pay of Rs. 16150-450-17050- 490-18520-530-20110-570-21820-610-23650-650-25600-700-27700-750-29950-800-32350-850-32350-850-34900-900- 37600-970-40510-1040-42590, with usual allowances from time to time as sanctioned by the Government. The posts are governed by A.P. Agricultural Service Rules adhoc Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.16 A & C (FP-I) Dept, dt. 21.1.2000 and as amended from time to time and the General Rules and the other relevant Rules shall also be applicable. Wherever necessary, the posts are open/ reserved for locals of the respective Zones under Six Point Formula under the provisions of G.O.Ms.No.124 G.A.D. Dt.7.3.2002 as followed in the General Recruitment.

The minimum Educational qualification is a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture of a recognized University in the State or any other University recognized by Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The maximum age limit is 35 years as on 1.7.2013 as per G.O.Ms.No. 378 A&C(FP-I)Dept, Dt 06.09.2002 read with G.O.Ms.No.16 A & C (FP-I) Dept, dt. 21.01.2000. The age relaxation in respect of S.C, S.T, and B.C and P.H candidates for the limited recruitment shall be allowed as per the provisions under Rule 12 of General Rules of A.P.S & S.S. Rules. The maximum age limit shall be under limited recruitment in respect of SCs, STs and PHs in uniformly raised up to 10 years

There will be no Test or interview for selection of the candidates; the selection of candidates shall be based on the merit marks as per the marks computed for 125 as laid down in G.O. Ms. No. 173 A&C (FP-I) Dept., dt.7.7.2009 i.e., up to a maximum of 100 for the percentage of marks secured by them in their B.Sc.(Ag) qualification, plus marks for seniority from the date of passing of the said qualification @ one mark per year up to a maximum of 10 marks, plus marks for experience if any in this department i.e., Agriculture Department only as Agricultural Officer/Agricultural Consultants (ANTWA) /M.P.E.Os, on contract basis @ 1 mark for every completed period of 3 months experience up to a maximum of 15 marks. The service certificate issued by the concerned District Joint Director of Agriculture will only be considered and the certificates issued by any others will not be considered.

The Commissioner and Director of Agriculture, A.P., Hyderabad, reserves the right to modify to increase or reduce or cancel any part or all the vacancies at any time, which are notified, without any notice.

The bio-data is to be submitted in the format appended. The last date for receipt of application in the prescribed format is 02.07.2013 by 5-00 PM. Applications received through whatever means after the due date shall not be entertained, and they shall not have any claim on such cases. All the enclosures should be neatly stitched with thread to the Bio-data Form. Address for submitting Bio-data – application for the post of Agricultural Officers is “Commissioner and Director of Agriculture, Opp. L.B.Stadium, Gunfoundry A.P, Hyderabad”. The Bio-data form is also placed in the Agriculture Department Website along with the detailed guidelines.

Community Zone-I Zone-II Zone-III Zone-IV Zone-V Zone-VI Total
open local open local open local open local open local open local open local
SC 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 1 12 3
SC(W) 1 1 2 1 1 4
ST 1 1 1 1 1 3 2
ST(W) 1 1 2 0
PH-OH 1 1/W 1 1
PH-VH 1 1 1 1/W 2 2 4
PH-HH 1 1/W 1/W 1 2 1 2 5
OC(W) 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 7 6
BC-A 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 3
BC-A(W) 1 1 2 0
BC-B 1 1 1 3 1 2 6 3
BC-B(W) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3
BC-C 0 0
BC-C(W) 1 1 1 1
BC-D 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 6
BC-D(W) 1 1 0 2
BC-E 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4
BC-E(W) 1 1 0 2
TOTAL 5 9 12 3 4 2 5 8 11 11 15 16 52 49

* The recruitment of Agricultural Officers will be subject to out come of court cases.

Sd/- K.Madhusudhan Rao
Commissioner and Director of Agriculture
Joint Director of Agriculture (Admn.)

Download the original notification along with application form in PDF form HERE:
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