FCI recruitment notification for Grade III Positions

Jobs in FCI

Food Corporation of India

The Food Corporation of India (FCI) wishes to recruit skilled Category III personnel for manning posts in its depots and offices spread all over the country. Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Government of India, under special dispensation given by the Government, will hold an open examination on behalf of Food Corporation of India (or recruitment to Grade III posts m General, Accounts, Depot and Technical cadres in the pay scale of Rs. 9300 – Rs. 22940/- (IDA pattern) and Assistant Grade-H & Typist (Hindi posts) in the pay scale of Rs. 9900 – Rs. 25530/- and Rs. 9300 – Rs. 22940/- respectively.
2. The tentative number of vacancies is 3755, which may vary. The post are located in Five Zones of FCI namely, North, South, East, West, and North East Zones. Allotment of candidates to different zones will be on merit-cum-option bass thereafter candidates will be allotted for eligible posts based or their position in the merit order for different posts and their options.
3. Details of Educational Qualification for the posts is available in the detailed notice.
4. Reservation and age relaxation for SC, ST, OBC, Persons with disability and Ex-servicemen are available as per extant rules.
5. Applications can be filed online at http://www.ssconline.nic.in and http://sscregistration.sifyitest.com Offline applications may be sent to the Regional Offices of Staff Selection Commission.
6. For further details candidates may refer to the detailed notice published in Employment News / Rozgar Samachar dated 29-10-2011 or website of FCI (http://fciweb.nic.in) website of SSC (http://ssc.nic.in) and its regional offices. Applications and instructions for filling up the applications can also be downloaded from the website of SSC.

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