Dr. Harisingh Gour University recruitment of Library Trainees
Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar
Jawaharlal Nehru Library
Vacancy for Library Trainees
Jawaharlal Nehru Library of Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar is looking for young, dynamic, highly motivated and committed fresh Graduate/Post-Graduates in Library & Information Science from recognized University to serve as Library Management Trainees purely on a temporary basis for Six Month. The essential requirements and other details for this position are as given below:
Essential qualifications: Bachelor’s/Master’s in Library & Information Science.
Desirable qualifications:
1. Certificate/Diploma in Computer Application.
2. Sound working knowledge of basic IT tools.
3. Good Knowledge of Library Management Software.
4. Strong communication (written & oral) skills in English.
5. Strong interpersonal & intrapersonal skills.
6. Works as a team member & excel in assigned tasks.
7. Aptitude for providing excellent services.
Nature of traineeship: Trainees will be provided with an opportunity to work in different sections of the library and learn modern library management techniques and web based services. The Library will provide a highly professional working & learning environment.
Duration: The duration of traineeship will be for Six Months.
Number of Vacancies: Fifteen.
Age Limit: 30 years as on the date of test/interview.
Remuneration: Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated stipend of Rs. 5,000/- per month with leave and medical facilities as per University rules. The selected candidates will have to work from Monday-Saturday (six days a week) and be ready to work in different shifts and weekends on rotation basis. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates for attending written test & interview Selection of candidates will be based on the performance in the written test and personal interview.
Interested candidates who meet the above mentioned basic requirements may send their application with resume along with a passport size colour photograph affixed at jln@dhsgsu.ac.in latest by 15th Oct, 2013 and directly come for the written test & interview.
Candidates are requested to bring with them the certificates (original & one set of photocopy) in support of date of birth and qualifications, experience if any. Candidates who have appeared for their final year exam and are expecting the results before the test & interview date may also apply.
Venue for written test & interview: – Jawahar Lal Nehru Library, Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar, MP 470003. Phone No. 07582-265605.
Address: Librarian, Jawahar Lal Nehru Library, Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar, MP 470003. Phone No. 07582-265605
For more information about the University, Library and this announcement, please visit http://www.dhsgsu.ac.in
Download the notification in PDF form HERE:
[gview file=”http://dhsgsu.ac.in/download/reports/JLNLIB%20Vac.pdf” save=”1″]
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