Damodar Valley Corporation recruitment of Finance Executives and Assistant Engineers
HRD Department
DVC Towers: VIP Road
No. PLR-Advt/Executive(Accounts & Engineering)/2013/- 220 August 14 , 2013.
1. In pursuance of Corporation O.M. No. PL-(M-1)/Induction-427 dated April 4th, 2012 and subsequent decisions thereon, ON LINE applications are invited in the prescribed format from the intending DVC regular Group “B” employees for induction in Executive Cadre (for direct entry into M-1 Grade) possessing requisite professional qualification i.e. CA / ICWA / MBA Degree in Finance or PG Diploma / Degree (at least two years full time) in Finance and Accounts Stream and AMIE or full time BE / B.Tech / B.Sc. Engineering in respective Engineering Stream from University / Institution approved by AICTE to fill up the vacancies in the posts mentioned hereunder on 20% quota basis.
2. Details of Post-wise vacancies & Qualifying Requirements :
Sl. No. | Post Name & Post No. | Vacancy | Scale of Pay | Qualification Requirement |
1 | Executive (Finance )- M1 – 2013/D-1 | 03 (UR-02, OBC-01) |
Rs.15600- 39100/- + GP Rs.5400/- | CA / ICWA / MBA Degree in Finance or PG Diploma / Degree (at least two years full time) in Finance and Accounts Stream and approved from AICTE University/ Institution. |
2 | Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (Elec) – M/1 – 2013/D-2 | 15 (UR-09, OBC-02, SC-03 & ST-01) | -do- | AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.SC Engineering in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE. |
3 | Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (Mech) – M/1 – 2013/D-3 | 07 (UR-01, SC-04 & ST-02) | -do- | AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. Engineering in Mechanical / Power Plant Engineering from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE. |
4 | Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (Civil) – M/1 – 2013/D-4 | 06 (UR-03, OBC-02 & SC-01) |
-do- |
AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. Engineering in Civil Engineering from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE. |
5 | Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (C&I) – M/1 – 2013/D-5 | 04 (UR-02, OBC-01 & SC-01) | -do- | AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. Engineering in Instrumentation & Control / Instrumentation / Applied Electronics & Instrumentation / Electronics & Instrumentation / Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE. |
6 | Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (Commn) – M/1 – 2013/D-6 | 01 (UR-01) |
-do- | AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication / TeleCommunication Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE. |
7 | Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (IT) – M/1 – 2013/D-7 | 01 (UR-01) |
-do- | AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. Engineering in Information Technology / Computer Science from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE. |
3. Upper Age Limit : No age bar
4. Application Fee : NIL
5. Mode of Selection : Through Interview / Screening Test
6. Compensation Package : Selected candidates will be placed in the M1 Grade (Rs.15, 600-39,100 in Pay Band 3 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-). Besides Basic Pay & G.P., candidates will also be paid other admissible allowances and benefits as admissible as per Corporation Rules in force from time to time.
Mode of Application: Candidates should apply through DVC’s Online Registration System only. The Online Registration will be available on the website www.dvc.gov.in and will remain activated from 13.00 hrs of 23.08.2013 to 24.00 hrs of 18.09.2013. No other mode of application will be accepted.
Opening Date of ONLINE Application | 23.08.2013(13.00 Hrs.) |
Closing Date of Online Application. | 18.09.2013(24.00 Hrs.) |
Hoisting of Shortlisted Candidates along with Schedule of interview www.dvc.gov.in | 28.10.2013 (Tentative). |
Helpline No.033-6607-2537/2539/2526/3048 (System generated during office hours)
Download the notification in PDF form HERE:
[gview file=”http://www.dvcindia.org/M1DEPARTMENTALADVERTISEMENT201398.pdf” save=”1″]
Dear Sir,
I do have 4 years for accounts & fianance executive in infra company while handling of books of accounts
Thanks & Regards
@ Shaik Abdul Gafar
Submission of applications has been closed.
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