AP High Court recruitment of Court Masters / Personal Secretaries 2012

EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION No.51/2012/Estt.1.Dt. 13- 07-2012

Applications are invited for filling up of 30 vacancies in the post of COURT MASTERS /PERSONAL SECRETARIES TO THE HON’BLE JUDGES AND REGISTRARS (Gazetted) in the Andhra Pradesh High Court Service, by Direct Recruitment and by transfer from A.P.Judicial Ministerial Service and A.P.State Legal Services Authority. The candidates desirous of applying by transfer are required to follow the Circular issued separately to the Offices under A.P.Judicial Ministerial Service and A.P.State Legal Services Authority.

The selection process will be on the basis of merit, evaluated by tests in Shorthand English 180 w.p.m. (3 minutes duration) and 150 w.p.m. (4 minutes duration) and the transcription to be done on Computers within 40 and 45 minutes respectively. The test will be for 80 marks for Shorthand test and 20 marks for oral interview.

The above said post carries time scale of pay of Rs.19050-530-20110-570-21820-610-23650-650-25600-700-27700-750-29950-800-32350-850-34900-900-37600-970-40510-1040-43630-1110-45850.

The applications shall be submitted in the prescribed proforma with three latest passport size colour photographs, (one photograph to be pasted at the right top corner of the application duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and the other two photographs to be pasted on the hall tickets (original and duplicates) along with attested copies of academic and technical qualifications, Viz.,

The duly filled-in application should be sent by superscribing on the envelop as “Application for the Post of Court Master/P.S to the Hon’ble Judges and Registrars” along with self addressed envelop affixing Rs.30/- postage stamps, addressed to the Registrar (Administration), High Court of A.P., Hyderabad on or before 16.08.2012 by 5.00 p.m.

The prescribed Form of Application, Hall Ticket in duplicate and the instructions can be down-loaded from the High Court Website http://hc.ap.nic.in on foolscap photo copy paper.

The applications received without enclosures will be summarily rejected and applications received after the due date, for any reason, will not be entertained. Information will be sent to all the eligible applicants about the date and time of Shorthand and Typewriting test to be conducted. Test will be conducted at A.P.High Court, Hyderabad.

The High Court also reserves the right to enhance or reduce the number of vacancies, as per the recruitment of the High Court.

No T.A. and D.A. will be paid to the candidates appearing for written test/oral test.

Dated 13-07-2012

Download Complete Ad with Application Form can be downloaded HERE.
[gview file=”http://hc.ap.nic.in/aphc/hc2012/notification13072012estt.pdf” save=”1″]

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