Aadhaar – UIDAI Recruitment on Deputation Basis for Bangalore RO – 2014
The Authority would like to fill up the following posts on deputation in its Regional Office located at Bangalore
Sl. No | Regional Office | Name of the posts | No. of vacant posts (Likely to vary) |
1 | Bangalore | Section Officer | 1 |
2 | Bangalore | Private Secretary | 4 |
3 | Bangalore | Assistant | 1 |
Eligibility Criteria and Desirable Qualifications/Experience for the above posts are as under
Name of the Post and pay scale with Grade Pay | Number of vacant posts (likely to vary) | Eligibility Criteria | Desirable Qualifications / Experience | Place of Posting |
Section Officer (Rs.9300 – 34800 + 4800) | 1 |
in the scale of 9300 – 34800 + 4200 (GP) |
2 years experience in Admin./Estt./budgeting/ procurement/planning and policy formulation/ implementation of Government schemes and projects.
Excellent Computer skills. |
UIDAI, RO Bangalore |
(Rs.9300 – 34800 + 4200) |
1 |
Excellent drafting, typing skills, Proficiency in computers.
Experience in handling Administrative matters/ budget/policy matters/ implementation of Government Schemes |
UIDAI, RO Bangalore |
Private Secretary (Rs. 9300 34800 + 4800) | 4 |
Good Stenographic and Typing skills
Proficiency in handling computers |
UIDAI, RO Bangalore |
Field of Selection: Officers of Central Government / State Governments / UTs / PSUs / Autonomous bodies Period and other terms and condition of deputation
The initial period of deputation shall be for three years extendable by a further period of two years as per Department of personnel & Training O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt. (pay-II) dated 17.06.10. The terms and conditions of deputation will be governed by the aforementioned DOP&T’s O.M. of 17.6.10.
Eligibility for Government Accommodation: The officer appointed in the UIDAI will be eligible for General Pool Residential Accommodation at par with Central Government employees.
Last Date for receipt of applications complete in all respects: 19.09.2014, 1800Hrs
Documents to be forwarded along with application: The application along with Cadre clearance/Vigilance clearance from Department and copies of five years ACRs duly attested by an officer of the level of Under Secretary should be forwarded through parent Departments in the prescribed format attached. Incomplete applications is liable for rejection.
Address for Communication: The applications may be forwarded on the prescribed format to the Regional Office at the address given below:
Regional Office | Address |
Bangalore | Assistant Director General (Estt) UIDAI Regional Office, No.49, Khanija Bhavan Race Course Road, Bangalore – 560001 Telephone: 080- 22341611 |
Download the notification for complete details & application form:
[gview file=”http://uidai.gov.in/images/career/vacancy_circular_section_officer_ro_bangalore_13082014.pdf” save=”1″]
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