Omega Hospitals requires Bio-Chemist, Staff Nurse, and Pharmacists

Omega Hospitals (A unit of Hyderabad institute of Oncology Pvt. Ltd.) REQUIRES

Post Qualification & Experience
1. Duty Medical Officers MBBS
2. Bio-Chemist M.D. Bio-Chemist or M.Sc. with 7 years of experience
3. Staff Nurse GNM/B.Sc. Nursing
4. Pharmacists D. Pharmacy with 1- 2 years of experience
5. Front Office Executive Degree with 1 year of experience m typing

Freshers may also apply.

Salary commensurate with qualification & experience. Please send your resume and one set of certificates (Xerox) to the following address within Seven days.
The CEO, OMEGA Hospitals
H.No. 293/82/L/276A, MLA Colony
Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-34

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