WAPCOS Ltd Recruitment of Engineer Trainees – 2014

Plot No.76 – C, Sector – 18
Gurgaon – 122 015, Haryana

WAPCOS Limited an ‘ISO 9001-2008’ “Mini Ratna-I” Organisation intends to fill up the post of Engineer Trainee (Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation). The requisite qualification, pay scale, maximum age prescribed for the post is as under:

Sl. No Name of Post/ Pay scale (IDA) Maximum age Qualification
 1 Engineer Trainee
(Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation)
@ Basic ‘16400/- in the pay scale of Rs.16400 – 40500 (IDA), HRA, IDA plus perks upto Rs.5000/-.
27 BE/B.Tech(Electronics & Communication/ Instrumentation) from a recognised University having 6 CGPA or 60% and above

Candidates who will be appointed as Engineer Trainee (E&C/I) will be on training for a period of one year with effect from the date of joining and after successful completion of one year training period and presentation they will be appointed as Engineer on regular basis. They will be entitled to other allowances, facilities as applicable to regular employees of the company after regularisation. Also required to submit Rs.50,000 (in case of GEN/OBC)/  Rs.25,000 (in case of SC/ST/PWD) towards bond money for serving the company for 05 years (01 year as ET and 04 years as Engineer).

Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD will be as per Government rules.

SC/ST/PWD candidates coming from outstation for appearing in the interview will be paid rail/bus fare by the shortest route as per rules/II Class on production of tickets/proof.

Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions may send their CV in the prescribed proforma to Chief (Pers), WAPCOS Limited, Plot No.76-C, Sector-18, Gurgaon-122 015, Haryana within 10 days from the date of release of the advertisement (13.05.2014).

For details and proforma visit our website www.wapcos.gov.in and for clarification call 0124-2399226/2399421-36  (16 lines) (Extn.1329) / Mob: 9650000513.

Read Notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://www.wapcos.gov.in/writereaddata/Uploads/JobDocs/61c1e228-8df9-4fc4-a483-a13c919b5b16_Advertisement.pdf” save=”1″]

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