University of Delhi Recruitment of Non-Teaching Positions

University of DelhiUNIVERSITY OF DELHI
Delhi-110 007, India
Advt. No. Estab.IV/246/2013/ Dated: 06.11.2013

Applications are invited on the prescribed Application Form for the following posts latest by 13.12.2013 or within two weeks from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News whichever is later:

S.No. Posts Categories
1 Joint Director, DHMI 1 1 2
2 Sr. System Analyst/Senior System Programmer (on Deputation)* 4 4
3 Manager (Press) 1 1
4 Assistant Registrar 1 1 1 3
5 Programmer (on Deputation)* 3 3
6 Manager, International Guest House 1 1
7 Yoga Organizer 1 1
8 Hindi Officer 1 1
9 Senior Assistant 5 15 12 2 1 (HH) 35
10 Hindi Translator 2 2
11 Statistical Assistant 1 1 1 3
12 Assistant Archivist 1 1
13 Junior Assistant 130 38 19 68 255

Note: For details, please see University website click work@du link.
1. Details regarding qualifications are available at the University website and work@du link.
2. The University reserves the right to conduct written test.
3. The upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment shall be relaxable in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (Central List), Persons with Disabilities, Ex-servicemen and other specified categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued in this behalf from time to time by the Central Government and adopted by the University.
4. The upper age-limit shall also be relaxable up to a maximum of five years or the number of years (in completed years) whichever is less provided they have rendered at least three years regular service in same or allied field in organization(s) under Government Departments/ Statutory or Autonomous bodies/Universities/ affiliated or constituent colleges under the University/Public Sector Undertakings.
5. The upper age limit for the posts advertised shall be determined as on last date of submission of applications.
6. Application fees is to be deposited as per details given: UR/OBC – Rs. 500/-; SC/ST/PWD – NIL. *No fee for Deputation Posts
The Payment can be made through demand draft drawn in favour of The Registrar, University of Delhi, payable at Delhi. Candidate should write his/her Name, Application No., Post applied for and Mobile No. back side on the Demand Draft.
7. The upper age-limit as prescribed for direct recruits shall not be insisted upon in the case of departmental candidates, provided they have rendered at least three years regular service in the University.

Visit HERE to learn how to apply.

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