University of Burdwan Recruitment of JRF and Field Assistant
Rajbati, Burdwan 713104, W.B.
Applications in prescribed form (available at University Sales Counter on payment ofRs. 250/) are invited for recruitment of one Junior Research Fellow /Junior Project Fellow, and one Field Assistant under MoEF Major Research Project entitled, “Systematics and Life history Strategies of Strepsipteran Parasitoids (Insecta: Strepsiptera) with Special Emphasis on Stylopisation of Pests of Rice Agro-Ecosystem in West Bengal” (No.14/13/2012-ERS/RE) under the supervision of Dr. Niladri Hazra, P.I., and Dr. Abhijit Mazumdar, CoP.I., Department of Zoology, The University of Burdwan.
1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Junior Project Fellow:
Required qualification: M.Sc. in Zoology with at least 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST/PH). Preference has to be given to candidates who have qualified NET- JRF/NET(LS)/GATE.
Sl. No. | Designation & Qualification | Revised Emolument per month for the first two years | Emoluments per month after two years/SRF |
1. | Junior Research Fellow (JRF) leading to Ph.D. NET qualified (NET-JRF) #HRA @10% of fellowship |
Rs. 16000/ | Rs. 18000/ |
2. | Junior Research Fellow (JRF) leading to Ph.D. NET for Lectureship #HRA @10% of fellowship |
Rs. 12000/- | Rs. 14000/- |
3. | Junior Project Fellow* leading to Ph.D. #HRA @10% of fellowship |
Rs. 10000/ | Rs. 12000/- |
#Wherever provision of hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA may be allowed to all the above categories.
*Junior Project Fellow is a new category of research staff and would be applicable to research projects/programmes sanctioned under the “Guidelines for Support to Environmental Research -2012” subject to criteria laid down in the Guidelines. Junior Project Fellows are candidates selected by duly constituted Selection Committee for the research project/programme but who are not NET-qualified i.e. NET-JRF or NET lectureship.
Medical Benefits: The Junior Research Fellow / Junior Project Fellow will be entitled for medical allowance as applicable in the implementing institution.
Age: Below 40 years.
Tenure: Three years or till the termination of the project, whichever is earlier.
2. Field Assistant
Required qualification: Class VIII pass with experience in Insect collection in the field, rearing and maintenance.
Salary: @Rs. 6000/- (Fixed).
Age: Age not above 35 years.
Tenure: Three years or till the termination of the project, whichever is earlier.
Complete application must reach Dr. Niladri Hazra (Cell phone: +919474141470), Entomology Research Unit, Department of Zoology, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan within 30 days from the date of advertisement. Forms may also be downloaded from University website: In this case a Demand Draft of Rs. 250/- drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Burdwan University must be enclosed. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview, notification for which will be displayed in the website.
Suitable TA/DA-rail fare for II class would be paid to the candidates (Research/Project Fellow) for interview.
Download the notification along with application form can be downloaded HERE:
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