TSNPDCL recruitment of Junior Accounts Officer (JAO) – 2018


NOTIFICATION No. 04/ 2018, Dt: 31.05.2018

The Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSNPDCL) was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 as a Public Limited Company on 30-03-2000 with headquarters at Warangal to carryout electricity distribution business as part of the unbundling of erstwhile APSEB. The Company caters to supply of electricity in districts of Mancherial, Nirmal, Kumram Bheem, Kamareddy, Peddapalli, Jagtial, Rajanna Siricilla, Warangal Urban, Warangal Rural, Mahabubabad, Prof Jayashankar, Jangaon, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar and Khammam Districts.TSNPDCL reaches out to a population of nearly 155.22 lakhs (as per provisional 2011 census) spread across hamlets, villages and towns spanning an area of 66,860 Square Kilometers.

Applications are invited On-line from qualified candidates through proforma application to be made available on http://tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in website to the post of Junior Accounts Officer.

Starting date for Payment of Fee on line — 15-06-2018
Starting date for submission of application on line — 16-06-2018
Last date for payment of Fee on line — 30-06-2018 up to 5.00 PM
Last date for submission of Application On line — 30-06-2018 up to 11:59 PM
Downloading of Hall tickets 13-07-2018
Date of examination — 22-07-2018 (from 10.30 to 12.30 PM)

The candidates who possess requisite qualification may apply ON-LINE by satisfying themselves about the terms and conditions of this recruitment. The details of vacancies are given below :

Sl. No. Name of the post No. of vacancies to be filled up by Direct Recruitment Age as on 01-01-2018 (Min.-Max.) Scale of the post (in Rs.)
1 Junior Accounts Officer 107* 18 yrs. – 44 yrs. 34630-1425-36055-1700­44555-1985-54480-2280­56760

* (The details of vacancies Community-wise and Gender wise (General/Woman) may be seen at Annexure-I).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The number of vacancies are subject to variation at the time of recruitment.

2. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Applicants must possess the qualifications from a recognized Institution / Board as detailed below or equivalent thereto, as specified in the relevant Rules of TSNPDCL as on the date of Notification.

Name of the post Educational qualification
Junior Accounts Officer Must Possess B.Com 1st class or M.Com 1st Class or pass in CA/ICWA-Inter from any recognized University in India.

3 AGE: Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years. The age is reckoned as on 01.01.2018.

AGE RELAXATION: As per the G.O.Ms.No.190 GA (Ser.A) Dept., Dt:08-08-2017 as adopted by TSNPDCL vide N.O.O.(CGM-HRD) Ms.No.194,dt.13.09.2017, the Upper age limit is raised up to 10 years i.e., from 34 to 44 years.

The Upper age limit prescribed above is relaxable up to 5 years in respect of SC/ST/BC candidates and up to 10 years in respect of Physically Handicapped candidates.

4(a) Fee: (Remittance of fee) : Each applicant must pay 100/- (RUPEES ONE HUNDRED ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay Rs.120/- (RUPEES ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONLY) towards Examination Fee. However, the Applicants belonging to SC/ST/BC Communities are exempted from payment of examination fee.

(b) Mode of Payment of fee: Candidate has to visit the website http://tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in to view the detailed notification and User Guide. The fee mentioned at Para-1 (5)(a) is to be paid online by visiting the website and click on the link MAKE PAYMENT in the website duly following online instructions.

After payment of Fee, the Candidate has to click on the link SUBMIT APPLICATION to complete the process of application submission. The applicants have to invariably fill all the relevant fields in the Application. Immediately on submission of application the Applicant will get an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable PDF document.


The Applicants have to read the User Guide for Online Submission of Applications and then proceed further.

Step I:- Payment of Fee: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee as per the notification as detailed above and obtain Fee paid receipt with Journal Number (12 digit) in the first instance.

Step II:- Submission of Application: After payment of Fee, the Candidate has to visit the website http://tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in to view the detailed notification, User Guide and Application Form. The applicants have to provide payment details (journal number and date) and upload the scanned copy of passport size photograph with signature (see instructions for scanning and uploading photograph with signature) and then invariably fill all the relevant fields in the Application. Immediately on submission of application, applicant will get an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable pdf document.

Download the Notification:
[gview file=”http://pdfs.16mb.com/JAO-Notification-2018.pdf” save=”1″]

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