Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission recruitment of Library Personnel – 2017


NOTIFICATION NQ.27/2017 DATED: 21.11.2017

Applications are invited only through online mode upto 20.12.2017 for Direct Recruitment for the posts mentioned below:

(It is mandatory for the applicants to register their basic particulars through One – Time online Registration system on payment of Rs. 150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only) towards registration fee and then should apply online for this recruitment. [The one-Time Registration will be valid for 5 years from the date of registration. Thereafter, the registration should be renewed by paying the prescribed fee.)

Sl. No. Name of the Post Name of the Service No. of Vacancies Scale of Pay (Pre-Revised)
1. College Librarian in Government Arts and Science Colleges.

(Post Code No. 3004) (2010-11 to 2013-2014)

Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service

(Service Code No.101)

21+ 9C/F* Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade pay Rs.6000/- p.m.
*Carried forward vacancies

GT(G) Blind-1 BC(M)(G) -1 MBC/DC(G)-7

2 District Library Officer

(Post Code No. 3019) (2016-17)

Tamil Nadu Educational Service

(Service Code No.024)

9 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade pay Rs.5400/- p.m.
3 Assistant Librarian and Information Officer for Anna Centenary Library in Public Libraries Department (Post Code No. 3020) (2016-17) Tamil Nadu Educational Subordinate Service

(Service Code No.025)

3 Rs. 9300 – 34800 + Grade pay Rs.4700/- p.m.


  • College Librarian
4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 21
  • District Library Officer
GT (G) GT (W) BC (G) BC (W) MBC / DC (G) MBC / DC (W) SC (G) SC (A) (W) PSTM Total
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9

GT- General Turn , BC – Backward Class, BCM -Backward Class Muslim, MBC/ DC – Most Backward Class/ Denotified Community, SC- Schedule Caste, A – Arunthathiar, G – General, W – Women, PSTM- Persons Studied in Tamil Medium.

  • Assistant Librarian and Information officer.

The rule of reservation of appointments is applicable for this post and the Distribution of vacancies will be announced later, after receipt of reply from the Director of Public Libraries.


Date of Notification 21.11.2017
Last date for submission of application 20.12.2017
Last date for payment of Fee through Bank(State Bank of India or Indian Bank) 22.12.2017
Date of Written Examination
Paper – I (Library and Information Science) 24.02.2018 FN 10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M
Paper – II (General Studies) 24.02.2018 AN 02.30 P.M. to 04.30 P.M


a) Registration Fee

For One Time Registration (Revised with effect from 01.03.2017 vide G.O.(Ms).No.32, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (M) Department, dated 01.03.2017).


Applicants who have already registered in One Time Registration system within the validity period of 5 years are exempted.

b) Examination Fee

For Examination


The Examination fee should be paid at the time of submitting the online application for this recruitment if they are not eligible for the concession noted below.



Category Concession Condition
(i) Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars) and Scheduled Tribes Full Exemption
(ii) Differently Abled Persons, Destitute Widow of all communities Full Exemption (i) For Differently Abled Persons, the disability should be not less than 40%.

(ii) For DWs, the DW certificate should have been obtained from the RDO / Sub Collector / Assistant Collector.

(iii) Most Backward Class / Denotified Communities, Backward Classes (Other than Muslim), Backward Class (Muslim) Those who have not availed three free chances so far in the previous recruitments may avail exemption from payment of examination fee. Should not have availed three free chances in the previous recruitments.
(iv) Ex-Servicemen Those who have not availed two free chances so far in the previous recruitments may avail exemption from payment of examination fee. (i) Should not have availed two free chances in the previous recruitments.

(ii) Fee concession will not apply to those who have already been recruited to any class or service or category.


  • The three / two free chances referred to above are not for EACH POST but for ANY THREE / TWO APPLICATION ONLY. The claim for exemption from payment of examination fee made in any application which is rejected/admitted or withdrawn will be counted as free chance availed.
  • Failure to pay the prescribed fee along with the application in-time will be liable for rejection of application.
  • The number of free chances availed by the applicant means, the total number of free chances hitherto availed by the applicant in his/her earlier application submitted to the Commission for any post/recruitment.
  • If, the Examination fee concession claimed in the application is found to exceed the admissible limits as announced above, the application will be rejected at any stage of selection. The Number of free chances availed by the applicants will be counted from all previous applications submitted through One Time Registration and / or submitted directly without One Time Registration.

(For further details regarding examination fee concession, refer para 12 of “Instructions to Applicants”).


  • Examination fee Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) is payable by online through Net Banking/Credit card/Debit card or it can be paid by offline at State Bank of India / Indian Bank within 2 days from the date of submission of online application by choosing the option in the online application.
  • Applicants have to register their basic particulars through One -Time Registration which is mandatory on payment of Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only) towards registration fee and then should apply online for this recruitment. The One-Time Registration will be valid for 5 years from the date of registration. Thereafter, the registration should be renewed by paying the prescribed fee. Applicants who have already registered in one time Registration system by paying Rs.50/- before 01.03.2017 and having validity and those who have registered for One-Time Registration system are exempted from paying the registration fee for this recruitment.
  • Applicants have also to pay the service charges applicable to the State Bank of India / Indian Bank.
  • Applicants can avail exemption from paying examination fee as per eligibility criteria.
  • Offline mode of payment in the form of Demand Draft / Postal Order etc. will not be accepted and the applications forwarded with such modes of payment will be summarily rejected.
  • Those who have registered in the One-Time Registration system and paid the registration fee Rs.150/- and received the registration ID need not pay the Registration fee i.e., Rs.150/- and it is enough to pay the examination fee alone. Applicants who have made One-Time Registration must pay the prescribed examination fee for this recruitment. (One-Time Registration is only to avail exemption for Registration fee for a period of 5 years from the date of registration and it will not be considered as prescribed examination fee for this recruitment).

(For further details regarding the Examination fee concession, refer para 2(14) of “Instructions to Applicants”).

(A)AGE LIMIT (as on 01.07.2017)

Sl. No. Category of Applicants Maximum Age
1. SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all Castes. For all posts No Age limit
2. ‘Others’ [i.e. applicants not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s and BCMs]. For College Librarian and District Library Officer 35 Years (should not have completed)
For Assistant Librarian and Information officer 30 years(should not have completed)

Note: “Others” [i.e Applicants not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs] who have put in five years and more of service in the State/Central Government are not eligible even if they are within the age limit.

(For further details refer para 5 of “Instructions to Applicants” and Section 3(r) of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)

Age Concession

For Differently Abled Persons

  • No maximum age limit for applicants who belong to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s and BCMs.
  • “Others” not belonging to any of the categories mentioned in item “a” above are eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the maximum age limit prescribed.

For Ex-servicemen

  •  No maximum age limit for applicants who belong to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs.
  • The maximum age limit is 48 years for “Others” i.e. applicants not belonging to any of the categories mentioned in item “a” above.
  • The above mentioned age concession will not apply to the Ex-servicemen applicants those who have already been recruited to any class or service or category.

Applicants should possess the following or its equivalent qualification awarded by any University or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or the State Board as the case may be.

Name of the post Qualification
College Librarian in

Government Arts and Science Colleges

(i) Master’s degree in Library Science or Information Science or Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree with not less than fifty five percentage of marks or its equivalent grade, where grading system is practiced and a consistently good academic record with knowledge on computerization of Library; and

(ii) Pass in the National Eligibility Test (NET) or other accredited test like State Level Eligibility Test (SET) in Library Science conducted for the purpose by the University Grants Commission or any other agency approved by the University Grants Commission.

“Provided that a person who is or has been awarded a Ph.D. Degree through a process of admission, registration, course work and external evaluation as laid down in the University Grants Commission (Minimum standards and procedure for award of Ph.D Degree) Regulation 2009, is exempted from passing the above tests”.(Refer item(ii) above)

District Library Officer (i) A Master’s degree in Arts and Science.

(ii) A Master’s degree in Library Science.


(iii) Experience for a period of not less than three years in any of the Libraries in a Supervisory cadre.

Assistant Librarian and Information Officer in Anna Centenary Library in the Public Libraries Department. (i) A Master’s degree of a University recognized by the University Grants Commission


(ii) A Master’s Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science of a University recognized by the University Grants Commission.


  • The degree in Information Science or documentation Science should be related to Library Science.
  • The qualification prescribed for these posts should have been obtained by passing the required qualification in the order of studies, viz., 10th + HSC or its equivalent + Bachelor’s Degree + PG Degree from the recognised Institutions as required under Section 25 of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016. (Results of the examination should have been declared and experience should have been acquired on or before the date of notification)
  •  The qualifications considered equivalent are indicated in Annexure-I to this notification. (Refer also to the disclaimer annexed to the notification)
  • Applicants claiming equivalence of qualification should upload and submit evidence for equivalence of qualification in the form of G.O. issued prior to the date of this notification when called for, failing which, their application will be summarily rejected. The G.Os issued regarding equivalence of prescribed qualification after the date of this notification will not be accepted.
  • The applicants should upload or submit experience certificate as provided in Annexure-II to this Notification when called for. (For further details refer para10 of “Instructions to Applicants”).

Examination will be held at the following Centres:

Sl. No. Name of the Centre Centre Code
1 Chennai 0100
2 Coimbatore 0200
3 Madurai 1000


  • Request for change of venue will not be complied with (For further details refer “Instructions to Applicants”).
  • The Commission reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of examination centres and to re-allot the applicants.
  • Applicants should appear for the written examination / Certificate Verification/ Oral Test at their own expenses.

The Online Application can be submitted upto 20.12.2017 till 11.59 p.m., after which the link will be disabled.

Download the official notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://www.tnpsc.gov.in/notifications/2017_27_NEW_LIBRARIAN_NOTIFICATION.pdf” save=”1″]

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