Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment for Meritorious Sportspersons – 2014

O/O the Chief Postmaster-General, Tamilnadu Circle,Chennai-600002
No.PSB/400-29/2010 Dated at Chennai-600002 the 20 08 2014

Notification for appointment of Meritorious Sports persons in the Department of Posts in the cadre of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant, Postman and Multi Tasking Staff.

Applications are invited from Meritorious Sportspersons in the following disciplines for appointment as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant for the year 2012-2014 and for the unfilled vacancies of the years 2006 to 2011 and for Postman and Multi Tasking Staff for the year 2012-2013 and unfilled vacancies for the year 2006-2011 under sports quota against the vacancies shown in Annexure A,B & C in Tamilnadu Postal Circle.
1. The details of vacancies and to whom the applications are to be submitted by the candidates etc., are indicated in the Annexure – A,B&C
2. Meritorious Sports Candidates will be selected for appointment based on the instructions contained in the Department of Personnel & Training OM no. 14015/1/76-ESTT.(D) dated 04.08.1980 as amended from time to time .

First Preference: Candidates who have represented the country in an INTERNATIONAL competition with the clearance of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports.
Second Preference: Candidates who have represented a State / Union Territory in the Senior or Junior Level National Championship Organised by the National Sports Federations recognized by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports or National Games organised by the Indian Olympic Association and have won medals or position up to third place. Between the Senior and Junior Levels, candidates who have won the medal in Senior National Championship gets preference.
Third Preference: Candidates who have represented a University in an Inter-University competition conducted by Association of Indian Universities / Inter- University Sports Board and have won medals or positions up to third place in finals.
Fourth Preference: Candidates who have represented the State Schools in the National Sports / Games for Schools conducted by the All India School Games Federation and have won medals or positions up to third place.
Fifth Preference: Candidates who have been awarded National Award in physical efficiency under National Physical Efficiency Drive.
Sixth Preference: Candidates who have represented a State / Union Territory / University / State School Teams at the Levels (II) to (IV) above but could not win a medal or Position in the same order of preference.

Age for the Vacancies of PA/SA: 18 to 27 years as on 22.09.2014 (Age relaxation for SC/ST- Ten years and for others Five years)

Age for the Vacancies of Postman/Multi Tasking Staff:  18 to 27 years as on 22.09.2014 (Age relaxation for SC/ST- Ten years and for others Five years)

Educational Qualifications:
(a) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant:
(i) 10+2 Standard or 12th class pass from recognised University/Board of School Education Board of Secondary Education with English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams),
(ii) Should have studied local language of the State or Union Territory of Tamilnadu Postal Circle or Hindi as a subject at least in Matriculation or equivalent.
(b) Postman:  A Pass in Matriculation from a recognised Board/University
(i) Multi Tasking Staff (Administrative offices):- A Pass in Matriculation /ITI or equivalent from a recognised Board/University.
(ii) Multi Tasking Staff (Subordinate offices):- A Pass in Matriculation or ITI from a recognised Board.

No.of Vacancies:
(a) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant: 49 (as per Annexure – A attached)
(b) Postman: 24 (as per Annexure – B attached)
(c) Multi Tasking Staff: 34 (as per Annexure – C attached)

How to Apply: The candidates who satisfy the above conditions may send their application in the prescribed format as in Annexure D affixing their recent passport size photograph, duly filled in, to the authorities concerned so as to reach them on or before the last date fixed for receipt of application either by speed post or registered post The application can be downloaded from the Tamilnadu Postal website www.tamilnadupost.nic.in

Application Fee: Rs. 100/- (One Hundred only)

The application duly signed by the candidate along with the enclosures should be addressed only to the authorities concerned as mentioned in the Annexure A, B& C clearly indicating the post “ Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant” or “Multi Tasking Staff “ or “Postman” for which it is applied so as to reach them on or before 22.09.2014 either by Registered Post or Speed Post only. Application received by any other means shall be rejected.

Download Notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://tamilnadupost.nic.in/rec/Notification.pdf” save=”1″]

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