RBI recruitment of 623 Assistants – 2017


The Reserve Bank of India invites applications from eligible candidates for 623 posts of “Assistant” in various offices of the Bank. Selection for the post will be through a country-wide competitive examination in two phases i.e. Preliminary and Main examination followed by a Language Proficiency Test (LPT). Please note that Corrigendum, if any, issued on the above advertisement, will be published only on the Bank’s website www.rbi.org.in.

Important Dates

Website Link Open 18.10.2017 to 10.11.2017
Payment of Examination Fees (Online) 18.10.2017 to 10.11.2017
Schedule of Online Preliminary Test (Tentative) November 27 & 28, 2017. However RBI reserves the right to change the dates of examination.
Schedule of Online Main Test (Tentative) December 20, 2017. However RBI reserves the right to change the dates of examination.

Application form
Before applying, Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post. Candidates are requested to apply online through Bank’s website www.rbi.org.in

Office Vacancies* PWD # EXS #
Ahmedabad 0 7(4) 4 8 19 0 0 0 1 2
Bengaluru 6 2 4 13 25 0 0 0 1 3
Bhopal 1 12(5) 0 12 25 1 0 0 1 3
Bhubaneswar 5(2) 3 1 8 17 0 0 0 1 2
Chandigarh 4 1 1 7 13 0 0 0 1 1
Chennai 3 0 4 8 15 1 0 0 1 2
Guwahati 3 9 6 18 36 0 1 0 2 4
Hyderabad 4(1) 1 3 8 16 0 0 1 1 2
Jaipur 2 3(1) 2 6 13 0 0 0 1 1
Jammu 2 4(1) 6 11 23 0 0 0 1 2
Kanpur &Lucknow 9 1 12 22 44 1 0 0 2 4
Kolkata 9 0 2 12 23 0 0 1 1 2
Mumbai 26 31(7) 78 129 264 3 2 3 12 26
Nagpur 0 4 3 8 15 0 0 1 1 2
New Delhi 9 0 14 24 47 0 1 1 2 5
Patna 7(2) 1 0 7 15 0 0 1 1 2
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 2 0 4 7 13 0 1 0 1 1
Total 92 79 144 308 623 6 5 8 31 64

Abbreviations stand for: SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Classes, GEN – General i.e. Unreserved, PWD – Persons with Disabilities, VI – Visually Impaired, HI – Hearing Impaired, OH – Orthopedically Handicapped, EXS – Ex-Servicemen, EX-1 – Disabled Ex-servicemen/ Dependents of Ex-servicemen killed in action, Ex-2 – Ex-servicemen (normal)

* “The Bank reserves the right to increase/ decrease the number of vacancies as per the requirement or not fill up the vacancies”.

The vacancies in brackets() indicate backlog

Eligibility Criteria:

Age (as on 01.10.2017)

Between 20 and 28 years. Candidates must have been born not earlier than 02/10/1989 and not later than 01/10/1997 (both days including) are only eligible to apply.

Relaxation in the Upper Age Limit:

Upper age limit will be relaxed as under :

Sr. No Category Relaxation in Age
(i) Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe (SC / ST) By 5 years, i.e. up to 33 years
(ii) Other Backward Classes (OBC) By 3 years, i.e. up to 31 years
(iii) Persons with Disabilities (PWD) By 10 years (GEN) 13 years (OBC) & 15 years (SC/ST)
(iv) Ex-Servicemen To the extent of service rendered by them in Armed Forces plus an additional period of 3 years subject to maximum of 50 years.
(v) Widows/divorced women/ women judicially separated who are not re-married By 10 years
(vi) Candidates domiciled in the state of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1989. By 5 years
(vii) Candidates having work experience in Reserve Bank of India To the extent of number of years of such experience, subject to maximum of 3 years.

NOTE: Cumulative Age Relaxation will not be available either under the above items or in combination with any other items.

Educational Qualifications (as on 01.10.2017):

  1. At least a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ST/PWD candidates) in the aggregate and the knowledge of word processing on PC.
  2. A candidate belonging to Ex-servicemen category (except dependents of ex-servicemen) should either be a graduate from a recognized University or should have passed the matriculation or its equivalent examination of the Armed Forces and rendered at least 15 years of defence service.
  3. Candidates applying for post in a particular recruiting office should be proficient in the language (i.e. know to read, write, speak and understand the language) of the state/ any of the states falling under the recruiting office.

Scheme of Selection:
a) Preliminary Examination:

Sr. Name of Tests No. of Maximum Total
No. (Objective) Questions Marks Time
1 English Language 30 30 Composite
2 Numerical Ability 35 35 time of
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 1 Hour
Total 100 100

b. Main Examination:

Sr. No. Name of Tests (Objective) No of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 Test of Reasoning 40 40 30 minutes
2 Test of English Language 40 40 30 minutes
3 Test of Numerical Ability 40 40 30 minutes
4 Test of General Awareness 40 40 25 minutes
5 Test of Computer Knowledge 40 40 20 minutes
Total 200 200

Language Proficiency Test (LPT) – The candidates provisionally selected from the main on-line examination will have to undergo a language proficiency test (LPT). The language proficiency test will be conducted in the Official / Local Language of the State concerned (Annex-IV). Candidate not proficient in the Official/Local

Candidates can apply online only from 18.10.2017 to 10.11.2017 and no other mode of application will be accepted.

Download the official notification for complete details:
[gview file=”https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Content/PDFs/ADVT8E5DE08695784EAA813D96BE27F50A3B.PDF” save=”1″]

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