Principal District Court, Madurai Recruitment of Steno-Typist Grade-III – 2015


Applications for the posts of Steno-Typist Grade-III in Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service in respect of the Judicial Unit of MADURAI, are invited and the eligible candidates, having the under mentioned eligibility criteria, may apply for the posts of Steno-typist Grade-III in the prescribed format, along with copies of all the testimonials and certificates duly self attested and all the applications should be sent only by post and the candidates, after due certificate verification, they would be called for attending the interview.

1. Name of the Post:  Steno-typist Grade-III (The post is purely temporary)
2. Scale of Pay: Rs.5200-20200 – PB1A+GP 2800/-
3. Age: (as on 01.07.2014)
4. No. of vacancies:5 (Five only.)

Sl. No TURN W / GT P / NP RESERVATION Min. Age in years Max. Age in years
2 SC

(Arunthathiyars on preferential basis

Women P Destitute Widow (Reservation only applicable for C & D Groups) 18 35
3 MBC & DC General P 18 32
4 BC (Other than B.C. Muslims) General P 18 32
7 MBC & DC Women NP Destitute Widow (Reservation only applicable for C & D Groups) 18 32
8 BC (Other than B.C. Muslims) Women NP Destitute Widow (Reservation only applicable for C & D Groups) 18 32

Age relaxation concession will be made with reference to the existing Government rules/Government orders.
5. Educational Qualification: A pass in SSLC – Anyone Higher and Lower Tamil and English Shorthand and both Higher in Type Writing – Tamil and English
6. Last Date: All the applications, with passport size photos affixed and duly self attested on the Right Margin of the application, in the space provided, as mentioned should be submitted along with self attested copies of all the testimonials, certificate on or before 30.06.2015 to the under mentioned address:
The Principal District Judge
Principal District Court, MADURAI.-625 020.
(The applications received after the last date will not be entertained under any circumstances).

The Principal District Judge, MADURAI has the power to select the qualified and eligible candidates, to postpone the interview, if circumstances need to annul the advertisement without any prior intimation. The applicants are strictly instructed to follow the instructions issued along with this notification.

Download the notification for complete details:
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