Osmania University, Dept. of Physics engagement of JRF – 2018

HYDERABAD – 500007

Prof. D.RAVINDER, Principal Investigator
Professor In Physics
E-mail: ravindergupta28@rediffmail.com
Phone: 040-27682242 (O), FAX: 040-27090020, Mob:9246162228

No. 02/DST-SERB/Phy/2018  Date: 01-05-2018

Applications are invited for JRF position in the DST-SERB funded research project titled “Development of multifunctional materials for spintronic devices and sensor applications.” The post is purely temporary, for a period of 3 years and will be co-terminated with the project. The monthly fellowship payable is 25000/- per month plus HRA.

Eligibility: M.Sc. Physics not less than 55% marks with qualification in CSIR-UGC NET/GATE. The eligible candidates may apply to the undersigned by submitting filled in application available in University Printing Press, Osmania University along with a DD of Rs 50/- drawn in favor of Registrar, Osmania University on or before 15th May 2018. Candidates are required to enclose copy of all certificates with the application. They are also required to provide Email ID and phone no. The date of interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attaining the interview.

Note: Non-Net/GATE candidates may also apply. In case NET/GATE candidate did not apply or not selected, non-NET/GET candidate will be considered with a fellowship of Rs. 14000/- per month plus HRA and will be designated as Project ASSISTANT/Fellow as per the UGC norms.

Copy to:
1. The Registrar Osmania University / 2. The Dean Faculty of Science, Osmania University
3. The Dean Development of UGC Affair, Osmania University
4. The Director. Infrastructure, OU for favour of publication
5. The Director, Press, Osmania University
6. The Head Department of Physics, Osmania University

Download the official notification:
[gview file=”http://www.osmania.ac.in/ResearchCareer2018/JRFPhysics_01052018.pdf” save=”1″]

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