ONGC Recruitment of Assist. Technician & Jr. Fireman
ONGC invites applications for the following posts from Candidates with valid registration in any of the Employment Exchanges located in the State of Delhi for its offices situated in Delhi. However, the job is transferable to any onshore/ offshore location in the country or abroad. The candidates should possess valid Employment Exchange registration certificate/card at the time of application. The registration should mention the name and essential qualification of the candidate.
Sl. No. | Name of Post & Pay Scale | No. Of Posts | Essential Qualification |
1. | Assistant Technician (Electronics) A2 level
Rs.12000-27000/- per month |
08 (UR-5,0BC-02 & SC-01) | 3 Years Diploma in Electronics/Telecom/E&T Engineering
(Test Apply) Age Limit Gen.-30 Years as on 29-11-2013 0BC-33 Years as on 29-11-2013 SC – 35 Years as on 29-11-2013 |
2. | Jr. Fireman W1 Level
Rs.10000 -18000/-per month |
05 (UR-04 &OBC-OI) | High School with Fireman’s training of Three months’ duration. Driving License for Heavy Vehicles essential. Physical standard:
Male: Minimum height 168 Cms. (for tribes/ hillmen -163 Cms.) Chest – 81 Cms with expansion of 5 Cms. For Persons from State of Assam: Minimum Height -163 Cms. (for tribal/hillmen 160) Chest 79 Cms. with expansion of 5 Cms. Female: (As per letter No.DDN/R&P/Rectt-Misc/2011 dated 20.10.2011) Minimum height 152 Cms. Relaxed 5 cms for candidates from tribes/ hills Weight: Proportionate to height but not less than 46 kgs. (Test Apply) Age Limit Gen.-27 Years as on 29-11-2013 0BC-3Q Years as on 29-11-2013 |
Application Fee: General / OBC: Rs.300 and SC: Rs.100
How to Apply: Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria, with valid registration of Name and in any of the Employment Exchanges located within the State of Delhi may apply as per Format to be downloaded from the website and (for ONGC employees) on the link on “Recruitment for Class lll/IV for Delhi”. The following details are required to be filled in by the applicants:-
a) Matriculation Certificate, Percentage of marks in Class X, Diploma etc.
b) Valid email ID with validity for minimum period of six months.
c) Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card no. issued by any Employment Exchange located in Delhi State, Date of Registration, Valid up to /Renewal due date, Name of Employment exchange.
d) Date of Birth will be reckoned as appeared in the Class X/ Matriculation Board Certificate.
e) Experience/Training Certificates wherever required as per essential qualifications mentioned in para 3.
Important Dates:
Last Date of Receipt of Application Form | 29-11-2013 |
Tentative Date of Written Examination | Shall be intimated later |
Applications have to be forwarded to the designated authority only. For any queries, send your email to:
Download the recruitment notification for full details:
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