NGRI, Hyderabad walk-in interviews for Project Assistants and Scientists

National Geophysical Research Institute (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Uppal Road Hyderabad – 500 007
Phone No. 23434700, 23434711
Website :

Advertisement No. 2/2012/PA/Rectt. Dated: 16/07/2012

Walk-in Interview

The Director, NGRI, Hyderabad desires to fill up the following temporary positions of Project staff etc. for various projects viz., Grant-in-Aid, Sponsored Projects and In-house projects. Interested candidates, fulfilling the criteria towards age, education qualifications as detailed below may appear for the walk-in-interview to be held on 26/07/2012 at 9.30 A.M. at NGRI, Hyderabad.

Sl. No. Details of the Position Qualification & Subjects No. of Posts Job Requirement Age limit as of 26/07/ 2012 Remuneration
1 Project Assistant Level-I 1stClass B.Sc. MPCPreferably with computer knowledge 22 Laboratory and field studies/Administration work/Technical assistance for Project work 25 Years Rs.10,000/-p.m.
2 Project Assistant

Level II /III/

Project Fellow

1st Class M.Sc/M.Sc(Tech)/ M.Tech Geophysics/Applied Geophysics/Maths/Computational Seismology/ Physics/ Geosciences/Remote Sensing
In case of Project FellowGATE/NET(LS) required
80 Laboratory and field workComputation/Research/MT Field surveys/Processing and interpretation of GM data/modeling of seismicity data/Maintenance of network/data archiving/data reduction/theoretical computations/experimental studies with PT Reactors/experience in FTIR & Raman Spectroscopy/Broadband Geophysical data processing/Carryout airborne gravity and magnetic studies /digital image processing /Research in Seismology etc. 28 Years/32 Years Rs.13,000/-p.m.for P.A.Level-II


for P.A. Level-III

16,000/-p.m. for Project Fellow

3 Project Assistant Level-II / III 1stClass M.Sc Geology/AppliedGeology/Analytical


11 Laboratory and field studies/Geological field work/Petrography and Geochemical analysis/water analysis and data compilation/handling of various analytical equipment 28 Years/ 32 Years 13,000/-p.m. for Level-II

15,000/-p.m. for Level-III

4 Project Scientist Ph.D in Geophysics 2 Laboratory and field work/Research work 35 Years 45,000/-p.m.
5 Project Assistant Level-II 1st Class MCA/B.Tech(CSE) 3 Laboratory and field work 28 Years 13,000/-p.m.

Terms & Conditions:

1.  Mode of Recruitment: If the number of candidates turned up for interview, is very high, then the candidates will be shortlisted through written test and interview will be held on the next day, the decision will be informed to the candidates on the day of walk-in-interview.
2.  Age Relaxation: 5 years in case of SC/ST and women candidates, 3 years in case of OBC candidates and 10 years in case of persons with Disabilities (Physically Handicapped).
3.  Registration:
a) Interested candidates may register themselves through e-mail to on or before 25/07/2012 with the following
details:  1. Name, 2. Father’s /Spouse’s name, 3. DOB, 4. Qualification, 5. Subject & Percentage. 6. E-mail ID & Phone No. 7. Address
b)    Candidates attending interview should register themselves at the counters in the Car Parking, Main Building, NGRI on 26/07/12
between 9.30A.M to 12.00 Noon. No registration will be allowed after 12.00 noon. No candidates will be allowed to attend the
interview/test without registration.
c)  Candidates with NET/GATE qualification will be given preference.
4.  General:The number and levels of posts may vary at the time of Interview. Age relaxation in respect of candidates who have already worked or working in similar projects will be considered. The assignment is for the time-bound sponsored projects works and co-terminus with the projects. It is not a regular appointment, temporary or otherwise and therefore does not entitle the incumbent(s) any claim, implicit or explicit on any CSIR/NGRI post. Candidates who fulfill the above conditions may appear for Walk-in-Interview with duly filled in application form as provided in the NGRI website supported by one set of attested copies of Certificates of educational qualification, age, caste (in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates), one recent passport size photo etc. on the date(s) and time as mentioned above at the counters in the Car Parking Main Building, National Geophysical Research Institute, Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500007. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The candidates who appeared for their final year examination and whose results are awaited may also appear for the interview along with Xerox copies of their year wise mark sheet duly attested by any Gazetted Officer (Engagement would be subject to production of Final Memorandum of Mark Sheet). The copy of the advertisement is also available at NGRI Website

Administrative Officer

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