MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd Recruitment of Executive Trainees & Junior Engineers 2013

Regd. Office : Block No. 2, Shakti Bhawan
PO Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482 008

ADVERTISEMENT No.- AS/MPPTCL/XIII/3609 Jabalpur, Dated 11.12.2013


MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) which is a wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, invites applications from the desirous candidates to fill up the following vacant positions:

Cadre in which direct recruitment No. of Posts to be filled up Eligibility Educational Qualification Age Limit (As on 16.01.2014)
are to be made UR SC ST OBC Total Discipline Min% Aggregate Marks Max (Yrs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Executive Trainee (Electrical) (Regular) (Class-II) 20 1 1 1 23 Degree in Electrical Engg. OR Electrical & Electronics Engg. (i) 65% for General & OBC
(ii) 55% for SC/ ST Candidates(iii) The regular departmental employee (UR/OBC) shall be eligible for 5% relaxation in minimum aggregate marks for the post of ET (Elect.)
30 Years
(i) 5 yrs relaxation for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer only) / Widow / Divorcee Woman(ii) 2 yrs relaxation for Green Card Holders on account of own family planning.(iii) Divorcee shall eligible for 5 years relaxation as per rules.(iv) Handicapped candidates shall be eligible for five years relaxation in upper age limit.(v) There shall not be any age bar for the regular departmental candidates possessing the required qualifica­tion and serving in MPPTCL.
2. Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract)
(Class-III) (for MP Domicile candidate having Diploma in Electrical Engg.)
60 19 24 17 120 Diploma in Electrical Engineering


  1. No. of posts as indicated above are subject to change as per requirement of MPPTCL. The reservation shall be applicable as per Company rules/provisions.
  2. The Company reserves the right to cancel any application or all the applications or the whole process of the recruitment for any one or more cadres without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Selection Process: The eligible candidates may have to undergo a written test comprising of questions in related discipline prescribed for each cadre, logical reasoning, general awareness and aptitude etc. at a test centre in Jabalpur. The venue for written test and the date of written test shall be intimated to eligible candidates separately. The candidates short listed on the basis of marks scored in written test will be called for personal interview at Jabalpur for final selection.

Training Duration & Stipend: The candidates selected for the post of Executive Trainee (Electrical) will undergo 12 months training (extendable upto 24 months). All the selected candidates shall be required to execute a bond to complete the training and to serve the company for 5 years after successful completion of training. If, the performance of a candidate during training is not found satisfactory, his/her selection shall be liable for cancellation/termination. The Executive Trainee (Electrical) shall be paid a fixed monthly stipend @ Rs.15,600/- per month during the period of training. On successful completion of training, the candidates shall be given appointment on probation for a period of two years in the cadre of Assistant Engineer in the company structure, in the pay scale as admissible under Company rules. The services of Assistant Engineer shall be governed as per service regulation prescribed for Company cadre employees and amended from time to time. The Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract) shall be paid a fixed remuneration of Rs. 19,000/- per month during Ist year with 5% increase every year. The contract appointment shall be initially for a period of three years, extendable to further three years only. The services of Junior Engineer (on contract) shall be governed as per provisions contained in contract bond to be executed as prescribed by the Company

Service Agreement-cum-Surety Bond: The successful Executive Trainee (Electrical) shall have to execute a service agreement-cum- surety bond to successfully complete the prescribed training and thereafter, to serve MPPTCL for atleast five years. The successful candidates who shall be appointed as Junior Engineer (on contract) shall have to execute contract agreement as prescribed by the Company.

General Conditions:

  1. In case of Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract) only MP domicile candidates need apply.
  2. Candidates working in Govt./semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertaking should apply through proper channel.
  3. Regular departmental employees of MPPTCL may also apply through proper channel for the post Executive Trainee (Electrical) as per eligibility criteria. However, they shall furnish advance copy of application alongwith prescribed fee on or before due date to the address notified in the advertisement. No age limit is applicable for regular departmental candidates of MPPTCL, while 5% relaxation in marks in the qualifying examination shall be given to the regular departmental candidates of MPPTCL of UR/OBC category (60% aggregate marks).
  4. Reservation for SC, ST & OBC(Non-creamy layer only) – The reservation in respect of SC/ST/OBC(Non-creamy layer only) category candidates shall be applicable as per Company rules. Such candidates should submit a copy of their Caste Certificate issued by competent authority of Govt. of M.P.. The Caste Certificate issued from other States and those candidates, who are covered under migrated category, shall be treated in unreserved category.
  5. Any dispute, arising out of the selection process will be dealt with within the jurisdiction of Jabalpur Courts only. In case of the disputes referred to the MPPTCL, the decision of the MD, MPPTCL shall be final and binding on both the parties.
  6. All SC/ST candidates shall be reimbursed to & fro second class ordinary train fare/bus fare by the shortest route from geographical area of jurisdiction of MP only for attending the written test & interview.
  7. Candidates having a third child born on or after 26.01.2001 are not eligible to apply.
  8. A candidate can apply for one cadre only otherwise his candidature shall be cancelled.
  9. The technical posts indicated in the advertisement are tough in nature. As such, the candidate must possess sound health. The selected candidates shall have to undergo prescribed medical test before joining the training.

How to Apply:

  1. Examination fees plus postal/stationary charges shall be payable through Demand Draft of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand) only for General and OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty) only for SC/ST candidates of MP domicile towards postal/stationary charges, having validity of three months from the date of issue and payable at Jabalpur drawn in favour of the Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission Co.Ltd., Jabalpur. The SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees, however, they have to pay charges towards postal / stationary as indicated above. The examination fees and postal / stationary charges are non-refundable.
  2. The prescribed application format may be downloaded from MP Power Transmission Company’s website – The completed application form in all respects with copies of the required certificates and Demand Draft as examination fee/ postal/stationary charges as applicable should reach to Post Box No. 3045, Head Post Office, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003 on or before 16.01.2014 through ordinary post.
  3. Application received without demand draft/ required certificates etc. or after due date shall not be accepted and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. MPPTCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay. No application shall be received in any office of MPPTCL. Such application received other than the prescribed address shall be rejected.
  4. The candidate must indicate the name of post applied, category applied on the envelope in capital letters.
  5. Candidature of a candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or evenafter joining if any information provided by the candidate is found false or is not found in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
  6. Unsigned applications are liable to be rejected.

Download the official notification for full details:
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