IIT Kanpur recruitment of Project Assistants
Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates for the office of the Dean of Research and Development, IIT Kanpur on purely temporary and contractual basis for a period of one year. The period may be extended based on requirement.
Post: Project Assistant (04)
Consolidated Salary Structure: 9000-900-18000. (Higher start may be considered for exceptionally qualified and experienced candidates).
Qualification: Master’s /Professional Degree with Good academic record.
Desirable Experience: (i) One year experience in at least of the following areas: Accounts, Establishment, Legal, Purchase & Import, Hospitality and Project Management. (ii) Computer literacy and ability to work independently will be preferred.
Age: Preferably below 30 Years.
Interested candidates may apply by September 23, 2013 giving complete information regarding educational qualifications indicating year of passing, percentage of marks/division, details of working experience and last Salary drawn along with Xerox copies of testimonials at the address mentioned below.
R&D Office reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience. Only short-listed candidates will accordingly be called for interview.
No TA/ DA/ will be paid for attending the written test/ interview.
Applications will be sent or emailed to:-
Deputy Registrar
Office of Dean: Research & Development
Ground floor, Faculty Building, IIT Kanpur.
E-mail : drdord@iitk.ac.in
Read the official notification here: http://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/project/dord11_09_13_2.htm
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