Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Recruitment of JRFs – 2014
Government of India
Department of Space
Indian Space Research Organisation
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
Advt. No.: IIRS/P&GA/Estt./Rectt./09 Dated: June 11, 2014
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), a Unit of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), is a premier institute for capacity building and research in the field of remote sensing and geoinformatics. The Institute has a multi-disciplinary and problem oriented research agenda focusing on developing land-ocean-atmosphere applications and understanding Earth’s surface and subsurface processes using primarily the space-based technologies. The research programmes are intricately linked to overall goal of ISRO towards operationalisation of space- based services for national development.
Applications are invited from young and motivated candidates for the post of JRF under the following research projects (1 Post in Each):
1. Vulnerability assessment of Mountain Ecosystems due to Climate change: Ecosytems structure and functioning (EOAM Project)
2. Estimation of snow cover area, snow physical parameters and glacier related studies in parts of Western Himalayas using microave and optical remote sensing (RISAT-UP project)
3. Mapping, Modelling, & Impact Assessment of Land Subsidence in Northern India (EOAM Project)
4. Remote Sensing based hydro-meterological data assimilation in the hydrological and weather forecasting models (EOAM Project)
5. IGBP-NCP- Soil Carbon Project (SCP) Phase-II of NRSC
6. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN National Project)
7. Soil, Vegetation – Atmosphere Carbon Flux Measurement and Modelling Project.
8. Development of spectral library and reflectance spectroscopy for mineral exploration in parts of mineral rich belt of Rajasthan and Odisha
9. Precise Terrain Parameter extraction using Low Altitude Platform data
10. Automatic Retrieval system and monitoring of water, vegetation and built up area at variable scales using remotely sensed images.
11. Assessing soil erosion and nutrient loss and its impact on soil quality and crop productivity (Mountain ecosystem processes and services in North Western Himalaya under EOAM Mission programme of ISRO
12. Climate change impact on productivity of food grain and plantation crops (Mountain ecosystem processes and services in North Western Himalaya under EOAM Mission Programme of ISRO)
13. Vulnerability assessment of Mountain Ecosystems due to Climate change: Ecosytems structure and functioning (EOAM Project)
14. Aerosol radiative forcing over India (IGBP Project)
15. Optimizing parameters from multiple sensors for biomass estimation at ICES at GLAS footprint using different regression algorithms
16. Evaluation of Pol-In SAR data for forest biophysical parameters retrieval
Fellowship & Duration: Rs. 16,000/- per month for M.Sc. candidates and ‘ 18,000/- per month for M. Tech. candidates + HRA (as per DOS OM A.9/2/1/2005-II (I) dated November 16, 2010 regarding revised fellowship). The monthly fellowship of ‘ 18,000/- will be applicable to those M. Tech. candidates if M. Tech. qualification is specifically asked under “Essential Qualification” otherwise the monthly fellowship of ‘ 16,000/- only will be applicable. The candidate (self only) will also be eligible for availing CHSS (medical) facility of the Department.
DA, CCA, Bonus, LTC, retirement benefits, etc. are not admissible. The fellowship will be offered initially for a period of One Year under all the Projects, which can be extended for further years or till the duration of the project depending on the performance of the candidate.
Selection Process: The qualification prescribed in this advertisement is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible to be called for interview. Based on the experience and details of marks furnished by the applicants, the candidates will be short listed for interview.
How to apply: Applications will be received online only. The detailed advertisement and application format for online registration will be hosted on our web-site from 12.06.2014 to 07.07.2014 for registering the applications. After registration, it is mandatory to send one printed copy of the duly signed online application form, color photographs, attested true copies of all the mark sheets, degree certificates, experience certificate, caste/tribe certificate etc. to the following address by SPEED POSTS. The form should reach to ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (PA), INDIAN INSTITUTE OF REMOTE SENSING (ISRO), 4, KALIDAS ROAD, DEHRADUN – 248001 (UTTRAKHAND) on or before 22.07.2014 failing which online application will be rejected outright.
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