Indian Institute of Pulses Research Recruitment of Young Professionals – 2014

Fax: 091-512-2572582, 2572809
Tel. No. 2570146

Employment Notice

A “Walk-in Interview” will be held at places, for engagement of the technical manpower as mentioned below on short term on contractual basis. Eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling all the requirements should bring their attested photocopy as well as original copy of the relevant documents and a latest passport size photograph.

Sl. No. Name of the position No. of Posts Qualification Date & Place of Interview
1 Young Professional- I For IIPR Regional Research Centre cum Off season Nursery, Dharwad (Karnataka) One Essential:
1. Graduate in Agricultural Science or diploma holder in Agril.Technology
2. Knowledge to speak read & write in Kannada language.
16.6.2014 at 10.30 AM

UAS, Yettingeyudda Campus, Krishi Nagar, Dharwad, (Karnataka)

2 Young Professional- I For IIPR , Kanpur Two Essential:
Graduate in Agricultural Science or diploma holder in Agril.Technology
20.6.2014 at 10.30 AM

IIPR Campus, Kalyanpur, Kanpur (U.P.)

3 Young Professional- I For IIPR Research Station, Phanda, Bhopal One Essential:
Graduate in Agricultural Science or diploma holder in Agri.Technology
24.6.2014 at 10.30 AM

Office of Dean, Collage of Agriculutre Sehore, (M. P.)

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Above position are purely temporary, time bound and co-terminus.
  2. Age relaxation will be 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years for women.
  3. Place of work will be as mentioned above.
  4. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in Interview.
  5. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
  6. The Director’s decision will be final and binding in all respects.

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