HPCL Recruitment of Engineers through GATE – 2016

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Regd. Office: 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai – 400020.


Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a Government of India enterprise operating in the Oil and Natural Gas sector which has been conferred with the Navratna Status. Apart from various other innumerable recognitions, it also holds the distinction of featuring on the prestigious Forbes 2000 and Global Fortune 500 lists and enjoys a market share of 20.94% among PSUs in India.

Towards fulfilling its Mission- to be a fully integrated company in the hydrocarbons sector of exploration and production, refining and marketing; focusing on enhancement of productivity, quality and profitability; HPCL invites bright and dynamic professionals to join its team of world class professionals.


Commencement of online application by candidates for HPCL 19th December 2015
Last date of online application by candidates for HPCL 2nd February 2016


Discipline Prescribed 4 year full time Engineering degrees
Mechanical Mechanical, Mechanical & Production
Civil |Civil
Electrical Electrical, Electrical & Electronics;
Electronics Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics &
&Telecommunication Telecommunication, Applied Electronics
Instrumentation Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Electronics, Instrumentation & Process Control
Chemical Chemical, Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining

Note: Candidates having any other degree/combination degree eg. Production Engg., Automobile Engg., Mechatronics, Industrial Engg., Construction Engg. etc., other than mentioned above are not eligible to apply. These exclusions are only indicative and not exhaustive

Minimum educational qualification for employment in above mentioned positions are:

  • Candidates should have passed qualifying degree examinations and awarded bachelor’s degree in engineering/technology in the above mentioned disciplines. All the qualifications should be 4 years full time regular course/s from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved / recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE.
  • Candidates (belonging to General and OBC-NC category) should have secured minimum 60% marks (aggregate marks of all semesters) in qualifying degree examinations, relaxed to 50% (aggregate marks of all semesters) for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
  • Candidates currently in final year of their engineering studies may also apply. However, if selected, they must be in a position to submit their final mark sheet by 31st August 2016. At the time of applying, candidates (belonging to General and OBC-NC category) should have secured minimum 60% aggregate marks up to last semester examinations which is relaxed to 50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates.

AGE LIMIT: Maximum 25 years as on 30th June 2016 for the general category candidates i.e. candidates born on or after 30.06.1991. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Presidential Directives.


  • Reservation of posts for SC, ST and OBC-NC are as per Government Directives.
  • 3 % of the vacancies will be reserved for PWD (Persons with disabilities -with degree of disability 40% or above).

SELECTION, TRAINING AND PLACEMENT: The selection methodology will comprise of the following:

The graduate engineers from the relevant disciplines, desirous of taking up a career with Hindustan Petroleum are required to appear in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2016.

Engineering discipline advertised by Hindustan Petroleum Corresponding GATE-2016 paper Corresponding GATE-2016 Paper code
Mechanical Mechanical Engineering ME
Civil Civil Engineering CE
Electrical Electrical Engineering EE
Electronics Electronics and EC
&Telecommunication Communication Engineering
Instrumentation Instrumentation Engineering IN
Chemical Chemical Engineering CH
  • Candidates appearing in different GATE paper other than that of their Qualifying Engineering discipline will not be considered for further selection procedure. e.g. If a candidate with Engineering in Mechanical, appears for CIVIL paper in GATE 2016, his /her candidature will not be considered for further shortlisting.
  • On the basis of valid GATE 2016 marks, qualified candidates will be called for further selection process in a predetermined ratio in order of the category-wise discipline- wise merit list. In addition to the above, any other selection tools/tests may be administered, at the sole discretion of the management.
  • Please note that only GATE-2016 marks will be valid for this recruitment drive.

Candidates will have to qualify through each stage of selection process successfully before being adjudged as suitable for selection.

Selected candidates shall have all-India transfer liability. Posting/ Assignment can be in any SBU/Division/Department of the Corporation at any place in the country/otherwise. These positions generally involve working in shift duties. Selected candidates may also be posted in any of the subsidiaries/Joint Ventures or any department of Government of India.


  1. For detailed information of GATE-2016, interested candidates may log on to http://gate.iisc.ernet.in/ or websites of other IITs.
  2. The candidates will receive their GATE-2016 Registration number printed on their admit card. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply to Hindustan Petroleum online. The relevant link will be made available from 19th December 2015 under ‘Careers Opportunities’ section onhpclcareers.com or www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Online submission of the application will be allowed on the website up to 02.02.2016. No other mean / mode of the application shall be accepted. Online Application System will be open from 0001 hrs. on 19.12.2015 to 2359 hrs. on 02.02.2016
  3. Login tohindustanpetroleum.com and click on Career Opportunities. Read all the instructions given on the website carefully.Candidate should keep scanned copy of same passport size photo affixed in GATE application (in jpg / gif format less than 50 kb) and resume (in doc/docx format maximum file size 200kb) ready before filling online application form.
  4. Fill in the online form with all the relevant details. Upload scanned copy of your latest passport size photograph and resume along with the online application form. Candidates should ensure that the relevant details viz- Name, Date of Birth, Address, GATE 2016 Registration No etc. entered in HPCL Online application should be same as entered in the GATE 2016 application.
  5. Click Submit. You will get a system generated 12 Digit Application No. Please note that this Application No. is important and will be required for all future references throughout the selection process. Take printout of the Online Application Form, affix his/her recent passport size photograph, put his/her signature at the space provided and keep with him/ her safely for future reference.
  6. Choose the option for Payment of Application & Processing Fee. For payment through challan at SBI and through Debit/ Credit card please refer the detailed procedure explained under ‘PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEE’.

Note: Candidates are “NOT” required to submit hard copy of application forms to HPCL. The details filled in the online application form will be considered final and no changes will be entertained w.r.t. personal/ any other details, later on.

Applicants / Candidates are required to pay a Non-Refundable Amount of Rs.263/- (Application fee inclusive of service tax and bank charges of Rs.35/-). SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.


a. Commencement of online application for GATE-2016 1st September 2015*
b. Last date of online application for GATE-2016 1st October 2015*
c. Commencement of online application by candidates for HPCL. 19th December 2015
d. Last date for online application by candidates for HPCL. 2nd February 2016
e. GATE-2016 Online Examination Between 30th January 2016 and 07th February 2016*

Download the notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/documents/pdf/GATE-2016.pdf” save=”1″]

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