Gangavaram Port Recruitment Notification

Gangavaram Port at Visakhapatnam on the East Coast of India is the most modern all weather deepest Port of India. Within a short timeframe of being operational, the Port has created numerous milestones in Indian maritime history and has revolutionized the cargo handling standards in the country. Gangavaram Port Limited (GPL) is committed to benefit the Indian global trade and is poised to evolve as a formidable Port Operator in the country GPL seeks to appoint qualified, competent and enthusiastic professionals in different functions as Vice President /Senior Manager / Manager / Asst Manager based at Hyderabad/Visakhapatnam.

HUMAN RESOURCE -1 position
ADMINISTRATION – 2 positions
PROCUREMENT – 4 positions
PROJECT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Engg – Civil / Mechanical / Electrical) -10 positions

Further details regarding the above positions are available at

The Company provides an attractive remuneration package. Send in your applications within 10 days strictly by email only at mentioning the position, function and location in the subject line.

Gangavaram Port Limited
Hansa Crest, I Floor, Plot No. 62, Road No. 1
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.

110 thoughts on “Gangavaram Port Recruitment Notification

  1. MAMATHA(24-MAY-2012)

    please be inform you, that if there is any recruitment take places in gangavaram port, vishakapatnam, I humbly request you to pls inform me in earliest.
    thanking you.

  2. sir i am completed ITI FITTER, and i have six years experince. Iam doing at present as a welder in PPL SHIPYARD IN SINGAPORE.

  3. sir i completed +2 and advanced diplomo in FIRE AND SAFETY now i am doing degree in A.U distance education.please inform me weather any vacancy are there in ur port

      1. sir
        Iam working as Trainee HR in akzo Nobel India Limited 01st july 2012 to 30th june 2014 in roll of HR Chambers Outsoucing Pvt Ltd.
        Working as a computer operator (Business Development) in Lamco Industries Pvt Ltd from may 2010 to June 2012.
        my education Bachelor of Arts. If any vacency plese infom.thanking you sir
        My contact no. 9550719537

  4. Dear sir..
    I have attended the interview which was conducted on 11th nov in meghalaya hotel in visakhapatnam. They said that they woll inform me for HR round.. Can you please inform me how much time it will tale for the HR round

  5. sir
    I am working in a mnc company has plz inform any oppt in your org mob no 09624873051

  6. Sir’i am working as a HMC crane operator I have experinace in education 10th+iti any vaicency plese infom.thanking you sir

  7. Respected sir,
    I D.Anand reddy completed ssc,inter, iti (fitter) and worked as an welder for 3years and later on promoted to chargeman for 4years in PPL company P LTD.SINGAPORE .so plz sent me if any requirements are there.then I will wait for ur reply.plz sent me a positive impact or response.for contact 7032484706.

  8. Sir my name is t.sainath iam complited intermediat m.p.c in 75% iam waiting from job vacancy please giveme job

  9. Sir my name is t.sainath iam complited intermediat m.p.c in 75% iam waiting from job vacancy please giveme job from studying in parvathipuraam

  10. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 3.5 years exp in cement industry.i handled material handling equipments,cement mill and slag mill

  11. Respected sir,
    I k.prudhvi prabhakar completed my in EIE and working in electrical maintenance since from 2years. waiting for new innovations in automation fields
    Please inform me sir if there is any recruitment behalf of my dream in your organisation.

  12. sir iam t v appalanaidu iam completed my pgdm/mba my specilazations in logistical in supply chain management please provide me any jobs my dream in your company please infrome me my contacts 9490748394 8522987215 tank u sir

  13. I have 10 years shipping line experience in port areas, if there in any job opportunities in your organisation, please inform………..

  14. Sir
    I am completed ITI in fitter i am prasntly workd
    at shawala hypraser cylinder limited i have experince 6years so plz inform any job vacancy
    my cont no.9705103583


  15. Hi sir im tv appala naidu im completed pgdm/mba any job opportunities please provide me my specializations logistics in supply chain management & human resources management my contact 8522987215; 9490748394 sir president job need please help me & save me

  16. Respected hr sir,I am MARUDUBAKA TULASI RAO complete ITI (ELECTRCIAN) in IGME ITC at simhachalam,vizag. At present I am doing maintenance technician in APEPDCL since FIVE year’s still now on contract basis, I know very well LT Line maitenence and SUBSTATION Operating(indoor/Outdoor),so pls consider my priority and kindly give me a great opportunity in your wonderful organisation. Thank u sir, sincearly yours : m.tulasi rao

  17. I am p himasagar completed iti electrician with one year apprientice in aurobindo i wanted to join in gangavaram port to shine my career.

  18. Sir. Im completed ITI In fitter. and 4years experience in kakinada and gujarat ports.please inform me any jobs in our company.

    1. sir, iam completed ITI in fitter. 5.4 years experience in bhusan steel ltd,indian metals & ferro alloyes and jindal steel & power ltd. odisha.wagon tippler,side arm charger,truck tippler,track hopper,paddel feeder,stacker,appron feeder,dribble feeder,belt feeder,vibro feeder,coal crusher,vibrating screen & conveyor system etc.(please inform me any jobs in our company).

  19. Sir,
    This is v.venkatapathi raju i am completed diploma in civil engineering please be inform you, that if there is any recruitment take places in gangavaram port, vishakapatnam, I humbly request you to pls inform me in earliest.
    thanking you.

  20. sir i am satish completed civil engineering if you have any job vacancy in your port so please inform to my gmail

  21. I am vvgs Dora belongs to st,I have completed DAE (2003pass out), experience in the field of heavy hearth moving vehicles, like hydrated,cranes, Tata 200,250, back hole loaders,vibrators, etc maintenance engineer, and also shift experience (7-years company side+6-years educational services), 13-years.I want to any suitable position in your company at Visakhapatnam, gangavaram port.thanking you sir. Yours faithfully, vvgs Dora

  22. Sir,
    This is M.Lovaraju i completed the mechanical engineering and working experience is 2.5 years .please inform if any recruitment in gangavaram port, Visakhapatnam .
    Thanking you sir.

  23. sir,
    I g.surendra completed mechanical engineering and just inform me that any vacancy for me sir.

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