Engineering Projects (India) Recruitment of Managers – 2014
Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
ADVT. NO. RECTT/1-2014
EPI a ‘Mini Ratna’ Public Sector Enterprise under the aegis of Department of Heavy Industry with turnover of more than Rs. 1000 Crores engaged in execution of wide range of multi facet projects on turnkey basis in Power, Steel, Industrial, Civil & Infrastructure Sectors requires professionals to be appointed on regular basis for the following posts:
Sl. No. | Post | Reservation | Scale of Pay (Industrial DA Pattern) (Rs.) | Qualification | Minimum Experience | Upper Age limit as on (Last date of Submission of application) |
1. | General Manager (Fin) – 01 Post | Gen – 01 | 43200-66000 (E-7) | CA / ICWAI / MBA (Fin) (Minimum 55% marks in MBA) | Minimum 18 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 2 years in next below grade in PSU/Govt. Organization | 50 Years |
2. | Dy. General Manager (HR) – 2 Posts | Gen – 02 | 32900-58000 (E-5) | 2 years Post Graduate Dip/MBA (Pers. Mgmt/HR/MSW) etc. (Minimum 55% marks) | Minimum 12 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 2 years in next below grade in PSU/Govt. Organization | 43 Years |
3. | Dy. General Manager (Civil) – 2 Posts | Gen – 02 | 32900-58000 (E-5) | BE/B. Tech or AMIE or equiv in the Civil discipline (Minimum 55% marks) | Minimum 12 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 2 years in next below grade in PSU/Govt. Organization | 43 Years |
4. | Sr. Manager (Civil) – 10 Posts | Gen. -09 OBC – 03 SC – 02 ST – 01 | 29100-54500 (E-4) | BE/B. Tech or AMIE or equiv in the Civil discipline (Minimum 55% marks) | Minimum 9 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 2 years in a organization of repute | 40 Years |
5. | Sr. Manager (Electrical) – 03 Posts | BE/B. Tech or AMIE or equiv in the Electrical discipline (Minimum 55% marks) | ||||
6. | Sr. Manager (Fin) – 02 Posts | CA / ICWAI / MBA (Fin) (Minimum 55% marks in MBA) | ||||
7. | Manager, GR-II (Civil) – 10 Posts | Gen. -09 OBC – 03 SC – 01 ST – Nil | 20600-46500 (E-2) | BE/B. Tech or AMIE or equiv in the Civil discipline (Minimum 55% marks) | Minimum 4 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 2 years in a organization of repute | 33 Years |
8. | Manager, GR-II (Electrical) – 03 Posts | BE/B. Tech or AMIE or equiv in the Electrical discipline (Minimum 55% marks) | ||||
9. | Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha) – 01 Post | Gen. -01 OBC – Nil SC – Nil ST – Nil | 16400-40500 (E-1) | Master’s degree from a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree level Or Master’s degree from a recognized University or equivalent in English with Hindi as a subject at the degree level Or Master’s degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi & English as a subject at the degree level Or Master’s degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi medium and English as a subject at the degree level Or Master’s degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with English medium and Hindi as a subject at the degree level (Minimum 55% marks) | Minimum 2 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 1 year in a organization of repute | 30 Years |
10. | Assistant Manager (Finance) – 02 Posts | Gen. -02 OBC – Nil SC – Nil ST – Nil | 16400-40500 (E-1) | CA / ICWAI / MBA (Fin) (Minimum 55% marks in MBA) | Minimum 2 years post qualification executive experience with minimum 1 year in a organization of repute | 30 Years |
The above qualifications must be acquired from recognized University / Institution.
> Pay: In addition to Pay, DA, HRA / Bachelor accommodation at Project Site, EPF, Medical Facilities, Perquisites, PRP etc. are also admissible as per Rules of the Company.
> Age: Relaxation by 5 years for SCs/STs and 3 years for OBCs and as per Govt. directives for Ex- servicemen and Physically Handicapped Person with disability (PWD) are encouraged to apply.
> For the post from S. No. 1 to 3 of advertisement, age will be relaxed in case of deserving candidates beyond five years.
> Reservation: Reservation of posts for SC/STs/OBCs and others shall be as per Govt. directives. Person with disability (PWD) are encouraged to apply.
> Place of Interview: New Delhi/Chennai/Guwahati
> To & Fro: Outstation applicants called for interview shall be paid to & fro on production of valid ticket/ticket no./documentary proof : –
Return air / rail fare limited to AC I class by the shortest route | General Manager |
Return rail fare limited to AC III class by the shortest route | Dy. General Manager, Sr. Manager, Manager Gr.-II, Assistant Manager |
> No. of vacancies are tentative and subject to change. Besides notified vacancies, Panel will be formed to meet the future requirements. EPI reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be called for interview on the basis of qualification, experience and other parameters.
Mode of Payment of Application Fee:
> Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty only) towards Application Fee, which is non-refundable (exempted in the case of SC/ST/PWD candidates).
> Payment to be made either through Credit or Debit Card.
> Application Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the Application Fee.
How to apply:
Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply Online only through EPI’s Website (Recruitment section): No other means/mode of application will be accepted. The Registration is open from 1200 Hours on 25.01.2014 till 1700 hours on 10.02.2014.
Selection & Placement: Eligible candidates will be required to attend interview at New Delhi/Chennai/Guwahati for the assessment of their candidature. Selected candidates can be posted to any Division / Office of the Company.
All candidates are requested to go through the detailed advertisement carefully to clear all doubts/queries. Queries, if any, are t o be sent to
Download the detailed notification in PDF form:
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