DRDO-BU Center for Life Sciences walk-in for Research Associate

(A joint venture of Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence and Bharathiar University)
Coimbatore 641 046
Phone: 091-422-2428154; Fax: 091-422-2425459
E-mail: director.drdobu@gmail.com

Sub: Walk-in interview for Research Associate

Ref: Letter No. DFR-67/13/Assgn/P&C dated 26.06.2013

Walk in Interview for post of Research Associate/Post Doctoral Fellow (temporary basis) to be held at DRDO-BU-Centre for life sciences, Bharathiar University Campus, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641046.

Date of interview: 29/07/2013 ; Venue: DRDO-BU-CLS, Bharathiar University Campus, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641046.

Number of position: One ; Duration: 2 years from the date of commencement of project

Essential Qualification: Ph.D degree in Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry.

Desirable qualification: preference will be given to candidates with experience in Molecular toxicology/Mycotoxins with proven publications.

Age: 35 years which is relaxable up to 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST.

Stipend: Rs. 24,000 + HRA applicable.

Candidates are required to produce the caste certificate issued by the competent authority at the time interview in the case of SC/ST/OBC. Certificates in the proof of qualifications etc. should be brought in original at the time of interview. The offer of the fellowship does not confer any right for absorption in DRDO.

Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview dated on 29/07/2013 at 1100 hrs at DRDO-BU-CLS, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641046, along with the complete biodata and proof of research experience, publications, etc.

Note: No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Download the notification in PDF form HERE:
[gview file=”http://www.b-u.ac.in/Recruitmentfiles/drdo_rec.pdf” save=”1″]

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