Directorate of Oil Seeds Research Recruitment of SRF – 2014

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)


Walk-in Interview has been fixed on 21.1.2014 at 10.00 AM at Directorate of Oil seeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030 to fill up the temporary post of Senior Research Fellow (one) ) under the project “Protocols for Marker-Assisted Selection for high Oleic Traits in Safflower for Indian conditions.” The tenure of the project is for a period of five years . The requirement and other terms and conditions for the project posts are as under:

Name of the post Essential Qualifications Desirable qualifications Emoluments
Senior Research Fellow (1 post) M.Sc. degree Genetics, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology, Bio-chemistry 1-2 years of experience in Molecular markers in plants Rs. 16000/- per month plus HRA

Terms and conditions:

  1. The age limit is 35 years for men and 40 years for women (Relaxation in age as per Govt. norms).
  2. TheĀ applicant must bring with them Original Certificates and a brief bio-data with a set of Photocopies of certificates.
  3. The above position is purely on temporary basis and is coterminous with the project.
  4. The initial offer will be for a period of six months at the first instance, extendable up to the end of the project subject to satisfactory performance.
  5. No TA and DA will be paid to attend the interview.
  6. If the number of candidates meeting the job requirement exceeds 15 , there will be a preliminary written examination for screening purpose and only the qualifying candidates will be considered for the interview.
  7. The Project Director’s decision will be final and binding in all aspects.

Download the notification for full details:
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