CWC, River development & Ganga Rejuvenation Recruitment – 2015

Cwc_LogoGovernment of India
Ministry of Water Resources, River development & Ganga Rejuvenation
HOC, Central Water Commission, Varanasi

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following Work-Charged posts

  • Name of post: ELECTRICIAN GRADE -II,Post Code: ELECTRN
  • Name of post: MECHANIC GRADE-ll, Post Code: MECH
  • Name of post: CARPENTER GRADE-II, Post Code: CARPTR
  • Name of post: SKILLED WORK ASSISTANT (Erstwhile known as KHALASI),Post Code: SWA
Sl. No / Post Code Pay Scale / Pay Band & Grade Pay No. of Vacancies Age limit Essential Qualification
1. OBED PB-1:5200- 20200 with Grade Pay 1900/- SC ST OBC UR TOT 18-30 Years as on last date of receipt of the application (Upper age limit relaxable by 05(five) years in case of SC/ST and 03(three) years for OBC Candidates against reserved vacancies ONLY.

For CWC Departmental Candidates upper age limit relaxable as per rules.

i) Matriculation or ITI or equivalent from recognized Board / University / Institution

ii) Valid License in Motor Boat / Out Board Engine Driving

iii) One Year relevant practical experience.

01 05 06*
2- ELECTRN PB-1:5200- 20200 with Grade Pay 1900/- SC ST OBC UR TOT i) Matriculation with ITI in relevant trade or equivalent from recognized Board / University / Institution

ii) One Year relevant practical experience

02 02*
3-MECH PB-1:5200- 20200 with Grade Pay 1900/- sc ST OBC UR TOT i) Matriculation with ITI in relevant trade or equivalent from recognized Board / University / Institution

ii) One Year relevant practical experience

02 02*
4- CARPTR PB-1:5200- 20200 with Grade Pay 1900A SC ST OBC UR TOT i) Matriculation with ITI in relevant trade or equivalent from recognized Board / University / Institution

ii) One Year relevant practical experience

01 01*
5- SWA PB-1:5200- 20200 with Grade Pay 1800/- SC ST OBC UR TOT Matriculation or ITI or equivalent from recognized Board / University / Institution
10 01 07 11 29*
(* Vacancies may Vary)

Desirable qualification for posts OBED & SWA: Knowing Swimming and plying of Boat. (Relevant certificate if any to be enclosed).

NOTE: All the above posts are identified not suitable for physically Handicapped Candidates since nature of duties involves physical work in the River/River Bank.

Nature of Duties: 1) OBED: Driving of Motor Launch/Out Board Engine and Knowledge of repair of Boat & OB Engine. 2) ELECTRN: To carry out all types of Electrical works including Generator 3) MECH: Operation, Maintenance and repair of machines, equipment s etc.4) CARPTR: All types of Carpentry works. 5) SWA: To carry out any job of assistance/help nature related to hydrological meteorological observation, Flood forecasting, Gauge & Discharge, survey & investigation, silt observation, plying of boat, operation of machines, watch and ward, gardening, office upkeep/cleaning etc. Any other type of duties can be assigned to the staff holding the above posts.

Posting: The above posts are temporary but likely to continue. Initial posting shall be at sites located along the rivers in the Basin of Ganga and its tributaries in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. States (Transferable within working area of Hydrologic at observation Circle, Varanasi)

Interview/Test:The department has right to adopt appropriate criteria to sort list the applications for the above posts. Date(s) of Interview/ Trade Test will be intimated through call letter to the short listed Candidate.

How to Apply: Interested candidates should send their Applications neatly Typed/Hand Written on A4 size paper on single side (English or Hindi) (Proforma of Application is also available on CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION website under “RECRUITMENTS”) starting Name of post and code, Advertisement number & date of publication in Employment News/Rojgar Samachar, candidates name, Father’s name, Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY),Sex (Male/Female), Nationality,Educational qualifications with percentage (%) of Marks, Category (SC/ST/OBC), Experience certificate (wherever applicable), Employment Registration no. & Place of Registration (if any), Postal Address, Telephone/Mobile phone no. etc. duly supported with attested copies of certificates and affixing a recent passport size photograph (attested) on the Application, The signed Application may be sent to the Superintending Engineer, Central Water Commission, Hydrological observation Circle, Akashdeep Building, 1st Floor, Pannalal Park, Varanasi-221002, Uttar Pradesh, by post only so as to reach within 30 days of publication of this Advertisement.

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