CSIR-CSIO recruitment of Project Fellows / Senior Project Fellows

csirCSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO)
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Sector 30-C, Chandigarh 160 030

Advertisement No. 6/2013

Inviting on-line Applications for Project Fellows/ Senior Project Fellows at CSIR-CSIO

CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh, a premier research Institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) under Physical Sciences, invite on-line applications for 59 (fifty nine) purely temporary positions of “Project Fellow (PF) / Senior Project Fellow (SPF)” for various ongoing CSIR’s Plan Projects at CSIR-CSIO during the 12th Five Year Plan. Stipend are Rs. 16,000/- pm + 20% HRA for PF and Rs. 18,000/- pm + 20% HRA for SPF. The tenure of fellow will be co-terminus with the expiry of projects i.e. upto March 2017. The details of the positions are as follows:

Sr No. CSIR’s Project under 12th Five Year Plan Vacancies
1. OMEGA Opto-Mechatronics Technologies for Next Generation Sensors and Applications 38
2. ASHA Advanced Instrumentation Solutions for Health Care and Agro Based Solutions 13
3. AHIMSA Arsenic Hazard evaluation in the Ganga Brahmaputra basin and management solution for alleviation 3
4. EDMISSIBLE Engineering of Disaster Mitigation and Health Monitoring for Safe and Smart Built Environment 2
5. UnWaR Autonomous Under water Vehicle 2
6. DDSIM Design and Development of Driving Simulator 1

Project Fellow (PF): M.Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks with a valid UGC-CSIR NET (JRF) or B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent degree, with minimum 55% marks with a valid GATE score.

Sr Project Fellow (SPF): M.Sc. or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and 2 years of post M.Sc. research experience & one publication in SCI Journal; or B.Tech. / B.E. with at least 60% marks and 2 years of research experience or M.E. / M.Tech. or equivalent degree in engineering / technology with at least 60% marks.

Specializations: Physics, Geophysics, Geo Informatics, Optics, Optoelectronics, Applied Optics Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Nanotechnology, Material Science, Instrumentation, Electronics, Mechanical, Production, Electronics, Computer Science, Control, Aerospace, etc. to suit the above projects (see details on the website).

Other Benefits: Subsidised accommodation, food facility and other amenities in campus. Provision for PhD under AcSIR (Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research).

How to Apply:
To know more about CSIR-CSIO and online application, please visit http://www.csio.res.in Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply online from 1st June to 30th June 2013 (till midnight).

Please note:

  1. The Vacancies may vary either way (from SPF to PF and vice-versa) even across the Projects. For example, in case a suitable candidate for Senior Project Fellow is not found, the post will be converted to Project Fellow. Hence fresh B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. / equivalent course candidates with a valid GATE / UGC-CSIR NET (JRF) are encouraged to apply for all posts.
  2. The candidates who have already served CSIR-CSIO or any other lab / institute of CSIR as any Trainee / Project Assistant / Project Fellow / JRF / SRF / Research Associate etc. for a total period of 5 years or more are not eligible for these engagements. The candidates who have served for a period less than 5 years will have tenure upto for remaining period till completion of five years.
  3. The upper age limit for Project Fellow is 28 years and for Sr Project Fellow is 32 years.
  4. The last date of submission of on-line applications shall be considered the closing data for age limit, qualification, experience etc. Relaxation in age limit for the candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC and Women shall be provided as per the rules.
  5. Applications received will be shortlisted by the Screening Committee for interview scheduled on 11th July, 2013.
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be intimated through e-mail / csio website.
  7. Provision for Ph.D. under AcSIR (Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research) as per AcSIR / CSIR guidelines available at website i.e. http://www.acsir.res.in

Click here to apply on-line

Download the notification in PDF form HERE:
[gview file=”http://csio.res.in/images/stories/news/pf.pdf” save=”1″]

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