CIRB Recruitment of Young Professionals – 2014

Phone No.01662-281611, 276631 Fax 01162-275004
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WALK-IN INTERVIEW FOR HIRING OF SERVICES AS YOUNG PROFESSIONAL-I & II purely on short-term contract basis will be held on 08.07.2014 at 10.20 AM at CIRB, Sirsa Road, Hisar

Young Professional-I (3 positions) with Dr.S.K. phulia, Dr.K.P. Singh & Dr.A. Bhardwaj :
Essential Qualification:

  1. VLDA Diploma holder.
  2. Minimum one year experience in animal handling/blood & milk sample collection for animal experimentation.

Young Professional-II (2 positions) with Dr.S.S. Paul & Dr.Pradeep Kumar:
Essential Qualification :

  1. Graduate in Veterinary Science or post graduate in Agricultural Science.
  2. Experience in molecular biology work.

Age as on 31.05.2014: Not under 21 years and not over 45 years (upper age relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST candidates & 3 years for OBC candidates.

Consolidated Emoluments:
Young Professional-I: Rs.15,000/- P.M.
Young Professional-II : Rs.25,000/- P.M.

Period of Contract: 12 months, may be extended for maximum of another term on need basis subject to performance of the candidate. However, maximum duration will not be extended beyond two years. The contract can be terminated premature by either side without assigning any reason with a notice of 30 days.

Candidate should bring original certificates and a copy of bio data alongwith photocopies of certificates etc. No objection certificate from the current employer/wherever applicable) for interview.

Notification and Application Form:
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