Central Tibetan Schools Recruitment of Various Vacancies
An Autonomous Body of Ministry of Human Resource Development
Government of India
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for filling up the following vacancy on Short term contract basis only :
Sl.No. | Name of the post | No. of Vacancies (anticipated) | Mode of recruitment | Upper Age limit | Remuneration |
1 | Legal and Vigilance Consultant * | 01 | Short term Contract | 65 years | Rs. 12000/- PM (fixed ) |
2 | Superintendent Accounts /Audit * | 01 | Short term Contract | 65 years | Rs. 14.800 PM (Fixed) |
3 | UDC | 02 | Short term Contract | 35 years | Rs. 12,000 PM(Fixed) |
4 | Stenographer Grade ‘C’ | 02 | Short term Contract | 35 years | Rs. 14.800 PM (Fixed) |
5 | Stenographer Grade ‘D’ | 02 | Short term Contract | 27 years | Rs. 12,000 PM(Fixed) |
6 | LDC | 01 | Short term Contract | 27 years | Rs.9300/- PM(Fixed) |
* Upper age relaxation is admissible up to 65 years for the retired employees of Central /State Govt, or Central /State autonomous bodies on short term contract basis.
For application format and details of qualification, experiences and other conditions, please visit our website www.ctsa.nic.in. Last date for receipt of application is up to fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of vacancy notification in the newspaper (i.e., 23/11/2013).
- The number of short term contract basis vacancies may increase or decrease.
- The administration reserves the right to fill or not fill the above mentioned short term contract basis vacancy.
- Age shall be reckoned as on 30.10.2013.
- Copies of certificates dully attested by Gazetted Officer in support of Educational qualification. Experience, Date of Birth to be enclosed with the application.
- The administration may conduct written test/trade test/interview for the above short term contract basis vacancies.
- Any application with incomplete/blank information will be rejected.
- Filled up application on prescribed format must reach the Director, Central Tibetan Schools Administration, Ess Ess Plaza, Community Centre, Sector -03, Kohini, Delhi – 110085 within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.
Download the original notification:
[gview file=”http://ctsa.nic.in/writereaddata/CircularFilePath/e29dd951-CTSA%20Rectt.%20%281%29.pdf” save=”1″]
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