CDFD recruitment of Assistants – Advertisement No. 2/2011

Office Block: 2nd floor, Block No. 7, Gruhakalpa Complex, M J Road,
Nampally, Hyderabad – 500 001
Ph: +91-40-2474 9451 Fax: +91-40-2474 9490,

The Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad is a premier autonomous R & D Institute under the Societies Act funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India that has been established to provide services and to undertake R & D in DNA Fingerprinting, DNA Diagnostics and other areas of modern biology.

CDFD wishes to fill up under mentioned vacancies under Direct Recruitment basis in various Administrative / Technical Cadres of which Code No. 03 is for COE – II and Code Nos. 01, 02 and 04 are for Core cadre of CDFD.

COE – II is Centre of Excellence project sanctioned to the CDFD of five years duration, which is likely to be extended thereafter.

1. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Engg) (1 Post for Core, OBC, Code No. 01)

Age limit: between 18-30 years

Revised Pay Band * 9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay * 4200 (PB-2)

Essential Qualifications: Degree in Engineering (BE / B Tech) OR AMIE or Intermediate plus first class Diploma in Engineering technology (III – year course) with three years post diploma experience.

Desirable: Experience in Construction of Buildings, laying of Roads, Laying of Sewage and Water Pipe Lines, Maintenance of Buildings, Preparation of Estimates for Civil Works, Road Works, Wooden/Steel Furniture Works and Experience in Preparation of Tender Documents.

2. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Scientific Services) (1 Post for Core, UR, Code No. 02)

Age limit: between 18-30 years

Revised Pay Band * 9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay * 4200 (PB-2)

Essential Qualifications: First Class B.Sc. / B.Tech. with 3 years experience OR Post Graduate in Science / Technology OR PG Diploma in Science / Technology with one year experience.

Desirable: Hands-on experience in Molecular biology techniques including nucleic acids manipulations, sequencing, genotyping, application of statistical tools for genotypic and population analysis and handling of bones, extracted body parts, crime scene samples, preserved specimens for nucleic acid manipulations and genotyping.

3. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Administrative Services) (1 Post for COE-II, Unreserved, Code No. 03)

Age limit: between 18-30 years

Revised Pay Band * 9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay * 4200 (PB-2)

Educational Qualifications and Experience: Essential Qualifications:

First Class Graduate with minimum five years experience in the grade of Rs. 4500-125-7000 (Pre-revised) with Typewriting English 40 wpm and Shorthand English 100 wpm. Knowledge of Computer / Word processor is essential.

Admn: Persons having diploma in Personnel Management will be preferred.

Accounts: Commerce Graduate with SAS or Intermediate in CA will be preferred.

Stores: Persons having diploma in sales / marketing management will be preferred.

4. JUNIOR ASSISTANT – I (Administrative Services) (1 post for Core, ST, Code No. 04)

Age limit: between 18-30 years

Revised Pay Band * 5200-20200 Plus Grade Pay * 2400 (PB-1)

Educational Qualifications and Experience:

Essential Qualifications: Graduate with one year’s experience. Typewriting English 30 wpm and Shorthand English 80 wpm.

Commerce Graduates will be preferred for Accounts posts. Knowledge of Computer/Word processor operation is desirable.

Job Requirements

Admn – Maintenance of files, putting up cases to supervisors, dealing with attendance, Leave, LTC, Bonus, grant of incentives, probation period, keeping office record, telephone bills, typing work.

Accounts – Preparation of CVs, cheques, drafts, vouching of bills, writing cash books, ledgers, typing work.

Stores – Receipt / Issue of stores, maintenance of purchase files, docketing of papers, assist in physical verification of stocks, typing work.

Note: Reservations as per the Government of India norms in respect of SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped/Ex-servicemen etc. will apply.

The Application Form and the General Conditions governing the advertisement may be downloaded from the CDFD website Alternatively, blank application forms and General Conditions can also be obtained by sending a self addressed stamped envelope from the O/o. the Head – Administration, CDFD, Office Block : 2nd Floor, Block No. 7, Gruhakalpa Complex, M J Road, Nampally, Hyderabad – 500 001.

The detailed advertisement has appeared in the Employment News dated 5th November, 2011. The last date for receiving filled in applications is 4 weeks from the date of publication in the Employment News i.e. 5th December, 2011.


Head – Administration

Complete advertisement along with application form:

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