C-GARD, NIRD walk-in for Project Assistant Manager (Accounts)
Walk-in Interview
The Centre on Gee-informatics Application In Rural Development (C-GARD), NIRD, Hyderabad. invites eligible candidates for a walk-in interview on 2nd August, 2011 at 10.00 AM at C-GARD, NIRD for the position of Project Assistant Manager (Accounts) in the project entitled GIS Based Watershed Monitoring and Evaluation of the Department of Land Resources, New Delhi, purely on contract basis and co-interminus with the project.
S.No. |
Position. |
Consolidated Salary. | No. Positions. |
1. | Project Assistant Manager (Accounts) | 15,000/- | 1 |
Candidates are advised to visit the website www.nird.org.in for details of qualifications, experience etc.
(An Organisation of the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
Complete advertisement in PDF format:
[gview file=”http://www.nird.org.in/NIRD_Docs/CGARD_ACManager.pdf”]
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