The Aga Khan Academy Recruitment of Teachers – 2014
The Aga Khan Academy
The Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad is now inviting applications for various roles from well-qualified graduates with relevant experience; familiarity with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes will be particularly welcome. Built on a large campus near Rajiv Gandhi Airport, Hyderabad, the Academy offers modern facilities on a secure landscaped site. On-campus or dorm parent accommodation may be available. Further information can be found at The Aga Khan Academies ore an integrated network of residential schools dedicated to expanding access to education of on international standard of excellence to exceptional young men and women. Selection is based on merit and generous financial aid is provided to students with demonstrated financial need. The Aga Khan Academies foundational values include pluralism, meritocracy and civil society. The Academies offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Curriculum from Primary Years to the Diploma and provide a rich opportunity for both teachers and students alike to grow both professionally and personally.
ELIGIBILITY: The Academy welcomes applications from Indian nationals and expatriates without regard to faith, background or ethnicity. Applications should include full curriculum vitae and the names, addresses and telephone number of at least three referees, one of whom should be the most recent employer. Referees will not be contacted without the permission of the applicant.
We are looking for energetic and committed teachers with a passion for their vocation and a willingness to immerse themselves in a residential community.
Vacancies exist from August 2015 for:
• Humanities (MYP/DP) • Mathematics (MYP/DP) • English (MYP/DP) • Hindi (MYP/DP) • Science (MYP/DP) • Music (MYP/DP) • PYP/Primary Teacher
APPLICATION PROCESS: Qualified candidates are invited to email before 26th December 2014. Please include in your application a letter of introduction, including a description of your educational philosophy and teaching style citing specific examples. Successful candidates will be required to consent to detailed background checks.
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